The Index Page provides an outline of the topics discussed in each of the lectures.Click on the headings below to go directly to a particular lecture.
Editor’s note: Besides some very poor quality tapes, many of the old reel-to-reel tapes were not labeled or were inaccurately labeled, and so it has been impossible to determine the chronological sequence of the lectures.
- Introduction
- The reason we do pujas
- The meaning of Dharma
- The dangers of attachment
- Attachment to alcohol and drugs
- The disadvantages of anger
- The most dangerous ignorance is not knowing what self is
- Real freedom is cessation of suffering
- How to meditate
- The reason for the prayers
- The need for a compassionate motivation
- Happiness comes from others
- Suffering comes from the self
- Others are the cause of our liberation
- What enlightenment is
- Stories of Shakyamuni Buddha
- The Buddha and the monks Great Path and Small Path
- Meditation: Watching the mind
- Lamrim motivation
- Impermanence
- The impermanence of the mind
- An independent mind is impossible
- Question and answer
- Delusions are not one with the mind
- The differences between liberation and enlightenment
- The need to clear all subtle obscurations
- The gradual path to enlightenment
- Reincarnation cannot be disproved
- Meditation: The mind is beginningless, the delusions are beginningless
- Motivation: The need to be free in order to help others
- How to eliminate fundamental ignorance
- Shamatha and ethics
- Prostrations are an antidote to pride
- Suffering comes from nonvirtue; happiness comes from virtue
- Karma: Karmic results
- Dharmakaya and nirmanakaya
- The five degenerations
- Thought transformation
- Like the sun reflected in drops of water
- Motivation
- Being mindful in break times
- The shortcomings of harmful thoughts
- The perfect human rebirth: You can obtain temporal wishes
- The perfect human rebirth: You can be reborn in the pure lands
- The perfect human rebirth: It is easy to achieve nirvana and enlightenment
- The eight worldly dharmas
- There is no choice but to practice Dharma
- Bodhicitta: The importance of the good heart
- The benefits of bodhicitta: Relative bodhicitta is the door to the Mahayana
- The benefits of bodhicitta: You become a son of the victorious ones
- The benefits of bodhicitta: You create great merit
- The benefits of bodhicitta: Meditation on the kindness of the mosquito
- The benefits of bodhicitta: We purify obscurations
- The benefits of bodhicitta: The fruit is never finished
- The benefits of bodhicitta: We achieve enlightenment
- Bodhicitta: Seven points of cause and effect
- The essence of advice nectar
- The seven point of cause and effect: Equanimity
- The seven point of cause and effect: All sentient beings have been our mother and incredibly kind
- The seven point of cause and effect: The kindness of the mother
- Equalizing and exchanging self and others
- Thought transformation: The shortcomings of self-cherishing
- The shortcomings of the self-cherishing thought: The four suffering results
- Thought transformation: Self-cherishing, the evil butcher
- Put the blame on self-cherishing
- The shortcomings of self-cherishing: The suffering in the six realms
- The shortcomings of self-cherishing: Grasping onto possessions
- Meditation on the shortcomings of self-cherishing
- Thought transformation: Motivating on cherishing others
- Meditating on cherishing others
- The suffering of the six realms
- Meditating on purifying the lower realms
- The biography of Atisha
- Atisha: The lamrim and lo-jong texts
- Atisha: His kindness
- Tales of lineage lamas
- What Dharma is
- The five degenerations
- Meditation on death
- Motivation
- Thought transformation: The preliminaries
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, setting up the altar
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, visualizing the merit field
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the seven-limb prayer
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the mandala offering
- Respect for Dharma objects
- Motivation
- Thought transformation: Preliminaries, the mandala offering (cont.)
- Offering food
- Motivation
- Perfect human rebirth
- The benefits of saying refuge and bodhicitta prayers
- Even animals work for the happiness of this life
- Only virtue makes life meaningful
- Anger blocks obtaining perfect human rebirth
- The eight worldly dharmas
- Controlling delusions and self-cherishing
- Thought transformation: Give the victory to others
- The advantages of thought transformation
- Motivation
- Renunciation
- Remembering impermanence and death
- The dissatisfaction of worldly life
- The dissatisfaction of worldly life: Old age
- Remembering the death process
- The meaning of Shakyamuni Buddha’s mantra
- Death is certain
- Remembering impermanence and death
- Being kind to the enemy
- Meditation on the enemy
- Enlightenment is impossible without the enemy
- The enemy is more precious than a universe of jewels
- The mosquito is the cause of your enlightenment
- All sentient beings are the cause of your enlightenment
- Ignorance and self-grasping
- The benefits of the lamrim
- The benefits of bodhicitta
- Motivation
- Dying with a virtuous and a nonvirtuous mind
- Vajrasattva
- Purification practices: The Thirty-five Buddhas
- Purification practices: Milarepa’s mantra
- Overcoming self-cherishing
- Chenrezig mantra
- The kindness of sentient beings
- Motivation
- Cherishing others
- Showing patience for sentient beings who have harmed us
- Morality
- Seeing the sentient beings as the guru