Teachings from the Mani Retreat

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Eudlo, Australia, 2000 (Archive #1261)

"Because we have met the Buddhadharma, and especially this method—the practice of the Compassion Buddha and recitation of his mantra—it is easy to purify negative karma and collect extensive merit and thus achieve enlightenment. We are unbelievable fortunate." 
      — Lama Zopa Rinpoche, from his invitation to join the retreat.

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Teachings from the Mani Retreat
Lama Zopa Rinpoche
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"We are unbelievably fortunate to have met the Dharma and to have the opportunity to do recitation and meditation on the Compassion Buddha. It is an easy way of purifying whatever negative karma we have collected in not only this life but in may previous lives as well.

"Because we have met the Buddhadharma, and especially this method - the practice of the Compassion Buddha and recitation of his mantra - it is easy to purify negative karma and collect extensive merit and thus achieve enlightenment. We are unbelievable fortunate."
      —Lama Zopa Rinpoche, from his invitation to join the retreat.

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ISBN 9781891868101 / 9781891868474


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