Heart Sutra Retreat (Audio and Unedited Transcripts)

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Genting View Resort, Malaysia (Archive #1048)

The following are teachings from a Heart Sutra retreat held in Malaysia in 1997.

The teachings include oral transmissions of the Vajrasattva mantra and the Heart Sutra and teachings on rebirth, bodhicitta and emptiness.

Four Proofs of Reincarnation

So now, from the Highest Tantra we go down to the reincarnation, go back to the reincarnation, yeah then, so there are four basic outlines, that to think about, to analyze about the reincarnation. [pause] The proving the reincarnation that by reasoning, there should be preliminary similar type, there should be continuation of the consciousness, that which is similar type to this, to this present consciousness.

Why we can remember, why our mind can remember yesterday, why our mind can remember things which we did yesterday is because there is a continuation of consciousness, there is a continuation of today's consciousness, that which is similar type, there is a continuation of today's consciousness, which is similar type to today's consciousness, that happened. So without that, no way that today's consciousness can remember, today's mind can remember what we did yesterday, there's no way to remember this. So that is because there is the previous continuity of this mind.

So similar, there was previous continuity of this year's consciousness, which is similar type, so like this, so similar the consciousness, this life's consciousness, which took place on the fertilized egg in the mother's womb, so same, there has to be previous continuity, that which is similar type to this present life consciousness. So there should be continuity, our consciousness that took place on the fertilized egg, there should be continuity before that, there should be continuity of the consciousness which took place on the fertilized egg. There should be previous continuity, the very first second consciousness, consciousness took place on the fertilized egg the very first second, there should be continuity before that. Otherwise, without that, with the previous continuity of consciousness, without the previous continuity of that very first second consciousness took place on the fertilized egg, without depending on the previous continuity, the consciousness, there's no way, no way this first second consciousness which took place on the fertilized egg, no way that it comes into existence. Like no way, how's it possible this our consciousness to exist without depending on the previous continuity of this our consciousness. Without that there's no way that this present our consciousness to exist, there's no way to exist, there's no way to exist today's consciousness without depending on the previous continuity, which is yesterday's consciousness. So same, exactly the same, like this, the consciousness which took place on the fertilized egg, no way to exist without previous continuity of that. That which is previous continuity, which is similar type to the consciousness took place on the fertilized egg, it has to have that.

So for example, the corn, corn cannot grow from banana, corn has to come from, by depending on previous continuity which is similar type to the present one, to the present ______ corn, which is similar type to that, so it has to come, the corn has to come from its own previous continuity, the similar type the corn, it cannot come from banana, so banana has to come from its own previous continuity, which is similar type, cannot come from corn. Banana cannot come from corn, so another completely separate phenomenon. So similar, like that, so therefore consciousness doesn't come from the body, so mind is not caused by the body, which is completely different phenomenon, substantial, which has color and shapes. Like the earth cannot cause space and space cannot cause earth, like same, space is not caused by earth, earth is not caused by space. The earth has its own evolution, it has its own cause…

So outside crops, so there is, which exists now, they exist by depending on their previous continuity, which is similar type. So similar, now same in the case of mind, our consciousness that which took place on the fertilized egg in the mother's womb, so it exists by depending on its own previous continuity of similar type. So by this reason, without that, that this consciousness which took place on the fertilized egg, there's no way to come in existence. So therefore there is reincarnation. There is past lives.

So, the second thing proving the reincarnation [pause], by having the previous cause which produces this present mind, so for example, the chili, the hot chili, pepper, chili comes from its own previous seed, the seed of the chili. The chili came from its own previous cause, that which is a seed, the seed of a chili. The seed which produces chili. I think here it's talking about the nearest cause. So similar, durian came from where? From a seed? So this very delicious nectar, this durian, so this came from its own cause, the seed, which result this present durian. So, same thing, our consciousness that which took place on the fertilized egg in the mother's womb, so it came from its own, like the seed, the previous consciousness, consciousness which existed before taking place on the fertilized egg, like those seed of the fruit.

The previous reason might look little bit of similarity, the previous one's main emphasis is similar type. The consciousness which is formless, colorless, shapeless, this phenomenon, it has to come from its own previous continuity, similar, it has to have, it has to come from its own previous continuity which is similar type. So main emphasis is similar type. Cannot come from the body, not from other things. So here the second part of the, talking about using example external, like the fruit and so forth, the nearest cause which produces result, so there is a little bit differences.

Then, so by this, also one should understand it doesn't come from, our mind doesn't come from parents' minds, didn't come from a separate mind. This mind didn't come from another mind, didn't come from parents' minds. This came from its own, our consciousness, this life consciousness, the consciousness took place on the fertilized egg, it came from the nearest cause, the direct cause, the consciousness which exists just before taking place on the fertilized egg.

Then, the third one is very effective for meditation and also explaining about reincarnation. The proof of reincarnation by habituation, habit, habituation. It is said in the teachings, the child which is just born now, this child's mind, this mind has habituation before, because it is mind. Example, so I repeat again, the child who is just born now, that child's mind has or had habituation before because it is mind.

Example, the present attachment and angry mind. So what it is saying is that if there was no delusion at all yesterday, if you didn't have delusion, attachment, anger yesterday there's no reason why you have delusion today, if one didn't have delusion at all yesterday, there's nothing which causes to have delusion today, if there was no delusion yesterday. If you didn't have delusion yesterday.

So same thing this year, same thing last year, if you didn't have any delusion, no anger, attachment at all, then there wouldn't be any delusion, ignorance, anger, attachment in this year, because there's no cause for this to happen, so there's no way that it can, there's no way that it comes in existence. So same, why there is from birth time, in childhood time why there's anger, why there's attachment, why there's this ignorance or this jealousy, all these delusions, jealousy and so forth, so why the child is born like that? So if there was no delusion in the past life, life before this, if there was no delusion, no ignorance, no anger, attachment, jealousy and so forth, then if there's no habituation in the past, there is no reason at all, a child is born with all this mind, there's no reason, there's no cause of that, so therefore, if there was no previous habituation, if there was no delusion in the past life, the child wouldn't be born like this, the child will be born without ignorance, without anger, without attachment, without jealous mind, without all these delusions, the child will be born without all these problems, without all these emotional problems. So when the child is born like this that is because of previous habituation, because there's continuation before that, that all these problems, emotional problems. So that is used as an example, so the mind, the child who is just born, that child's mind it had previous habituation, it depends on the previous habituation. So because that is the way how the mind is existing. Because the mind that depends on previous habituation.

So it is said by great pandit ?Lonpawo, Whose mind, whose capacity of mind has no, the mind which doesn't have clear [gap], clear potential and ignorant mind, no intelligence, ignorant mind, so don't remember word by word, so the essence of what it is saying is that, so seeking for food and seeking for drink, milk, seeking for food and seeking for milk, seeking to drink milk, seeking to eat food and seeking to drink milk, without being taught by others, without depending on others to teach, so that means, for example, animals, the baby calf just born immediately goes to suck the milk from the mother's breast. So, so forth, seeking for food, what is to be eaten, so when the calf was in mother's womb didn't go to school or didn't do any training, there was no school in the womb , anyway, in the mother's womb, training how to suck milk and which part of the body to look for and how the breast looks like, there's no training in the womb , nobody gives training in the womb . So, just come out and then immediately look for the breast, then as the mother touch then suck the milk.

So I remember seeing on the TV that the kangaroo baby, actually when it came out it's very hard to recognize it's baby, looks like blood going up in the pocket, some ?bug, looks like blood kind up running up from the door, from the organ, then going up in the pocket. It's very tiny one like this. So going up, then the kangaroo mother is staying like this then the baby going up, tiny piece going up in the pocket. So there's nobody taught, in the womb, nobody trained how to go in the pocket, where the pocket is.

So anyway, then, same thing, the birds making nest, so difficult to make nest, so difficult because you have to collect one by one, this grass or whatever and how they make, there's so much wind and all these things, many obstacles, so then make all this nest on the tree while there's so many obstacles, by collecting piece by piece then they make the nest. So there's no training, the parents didn't do any, they were born in that, but the parents didn't teach how to make, like human beings they learn handicraft from somebody else.

So anyway, and the same, the animals, certain animals, as soon as they see, they eat, there's something to be eaten or there's something, as soon as they see another animal, they just get angry, as soon as they see another type of animal, immediately they get angry and attack.

That, so there's all these things that immediately these things happening, as soon as they see another type of animal then immediately they get angry and attack. So all this without being taught by parents, without being taught by anybody, this is, ?naturally this is happening. However, so all these things that, so without being taught by others.

So in the West, so according to Western philosophy or explanation or biology or whatever or science or whatever it's called. So because in the culture, in the education, in the culture, in the Western education, there is no knowledge of reincarnation, there is no knowledge that there's mind before this life, so therefore, there's no knowledge of karma, things depending on karma, past karma, whatever happens this life came from past karma, since there's no such this education, so therefore all these kinds of things, the answer is instinct, it's all instinct. So it stops by that, so it's instinct, so it's stopped by that. So actually one need to analyze why, one need to analyze the instinct, so without stopping there, so one need to analyze further, without stopping there, one need to have deeper understanding by going further.

So in Buddhism, now all the Western culture, in the education what is called instinct, so in Buddhism that's not instinct it's, all this is not instinct, it's not happening just without cause, all this is due to past habituation, it's habituation, previous life habituation, previous life mind got habituated, left imprint on the mind, so therefore this life this naturally going to suck milk, without being taught by others. Go to such milk, go to breast to suck milk, so all this, able to make all this incredible nest on the trees or, so, certain animals as soon as they see, get angry and attack, so all these things happen because of previous imprint, previous habit.

So, similar, the different child, child who is born very compassionate nature, doesn't want to harm others, kill insects, then when the child sees beating other children or the child cries, when the child sees another child who is being beaten by others or insect being killed, then the child cries, so compassionate and very tolerant and however like this, so that is the previous habit, came from the habituation, previous mind was trained in that way. Then, the child who is born with very impatient nature, very jealous nature, all these things, very bad temper, so that's due, that shows the previous habituation has been that way, different, in negative way.

So these, so today's attachment is due to previous time also habit, past years or past weeks, months, past years of habit, came from that.

So like this, same thing, from birth time that's dependent on previous habit and previous imprint. So, like this, so by this, so now, the reason why it is difficult to meditate, why it's difficult to have perfect concentration, why the mind is so disturbed, so distracted, why one can't meditate so easily, without any distraction, why it is difficult, why the mind immediately cannot do good concentration, why there's so many distractions, so same explanation. And that, why there's so many obstacles, why to practice Dharma, why it's not so easy to practice Dharma, why it's other way, why it's more and more difficult, that one need to put so much effort, so it's same.

So now generally speaking, the delusions, they rise, attachment, anger and so forth, the delusions, attachment, so forth, they rise very strongly and they rise continuously, without effort, so easy, and the virtuous thought, the detached mind or patience or compassion or egoless, selfless, the compassion, those things, even we put so much effort, even we are able to generate, but very weak and they do not last. Even we are able to generate, weak, and do not last long time. If they rise, very short time and disappear. So all this, so for us general people, so all this is due to previous habituation, habituated, our mind has been habituated towards delusions from beginningless rebirth so that's why it's difficult, why it's not easy, because it has been habituated from beginningless rebirth, in that way with delusion, habituated that way. So, by this, so there is past lives, there is consciousness before this, there is past lives, this is reason.

Then other one is, reincarnation, the past lives, proved by experience, so that is through meditation or due to karma or through meditation able to remember past lives, so things like that. So, past lives, so remembering due to karma, through meditation can remember past lives.

So if there's past lives then that means there's future life, so it proves.

So however the conclusion is there's nobody who realized one life, that there's no reincarnation, there's nobody who has realized this, who has discovered, except assumed or one made philosophy, lack of knowledge then one has assumed, lack of realizations, lack of education then assumed, that one made philosophy or believed that there is no reincarnation, one life. So those who have realized that there's past lives, future lives, that there's reincarnation are numberless, who have realized, who discovered, are numberless. So that means, if there's nobody who realizes just one life, there's no reincarnation, if there's nobody then that means doesn't exist.

So this also may be useful that, somebody who doesn't believe in reincarnation, but if the person believes in God, maybe even that not necessary, however, so birth time, for example, the suffering feeling, so this suffering feeling, so suffering is not created by God, so anyway this is in case somebody who believes in God, so this suffering feeling at birth time is not created by God, and this suffering feeling is causative phenomenon, that means suffering feeling at birth time is causative phenomenon so that means the cause of this suffering has to exist before the birth, cause of this suffering should exist before the birth, so then who created the cause? Who created the cause of that suffering? It's not God. So, it has to be only oneself, because who experiences birth time the suffering is oneself. So therefore, so suffering feeling at birth time, so that is causative phenomenon, so that is easy to accept, somebody who especially intellectual, causative phenomenon, so that means this is the result, so the cause should exist before this result, that means cause should exist before the birth. So that means, so then your mind, you who created the cause exists before, because, so it's same so that means there's no other way to relate except one's own mind created the cause, mind which created the cause exists before. So there is consciousness before this birth, so there's past life. Because even somebody who doesn't accept God but who accept the nature of phenomena, even the person doesn't accept God but who accepts the nature of phenomena, what is permanent, impermanent, the suffering feeling at birth time is, whether this is causative phenomenon, whether it's happy at birth, suffering feeling or happy feeling, causative phenomenon, that should accept, causative phenomenon, so that first experience is the result, so if it's the result then it should have cause for that. So like this, so this also helps to open the mind towards reincarnation, existence of past and future lives.

Yeah, stop here.

So the conclusion is that, so because of reincarnation, past and future lives, basically because there's past lives, so therefore karma exists.

So therefore karma exists, cause of the suffering, cause, negative karma is created before this life, which result this life suffering, so including birth time, so cause was created before, so anyway, so there's karma created before this life. So this helps, it inspires to abandon, it makes to realize that you have freedom, that your mind has freedom and you can abandon negative karmas, cause of suffering, and practice good karma, to achieve happiness. Not only that, then this helps to achieve happiness of future lives, and by the way, this life, and then it helps, by understanding karma then it helps to have renunciation of samsara, the detached mind to the samsara, it helps to achieve liberation from samsara, and then it becomes a basis to generate compassion to other sentient beings, understanding reincarnation, existence of past and future lives, then it helps to generate compassion towards other sentient beings, loving kindness and bodhicitta, and that helps to achieve enlightenment and that helps to free all sentient beings from all the sufferings and bring them to full enlightenment.

So I think I completely destroyed all the time-table .


Due to these merits collected by oneself, by Buddha, bodhisattvas, sentient beings, may I achieve Guru Shakyamuni Buddha's enlightenment and lead all sentient beings in Guru Shakyamuni Buddha's enlightenment.

Okay, so thank you.