Please tell the people with COVID who are doing the nyung näs that there are different levels of purification, and these have different signs.
The top sign is that our past heavy negative karmas get completely purified. There is nothing left to experience, so after that we have success and whatever.
Next, we experience the past heavy negative karmas in this life in the form of sickness and some obstacles, and by doing so, all those eons of negative karma that would result in being born in the lower realms, those heavy negativities, don’t have to be experienced. Some sickness or small harms, even experienced in dreams, purify the heavy negative karma that would result in rebirth in the lower realms for eons. Also, if someone scolds us, then we become totally free and don’t have to experience [the result].
Next, we experience the result in the lower realms, but it’s like a stone hitting another stone, “tak.” It gets finished [quickly] like that.
Next, we get born in the lower realms but it is much lighter.
So for those who study and practice Dharma, any obstacle is a sign of purification. Signs like that are very good, positive, so we should be happy and enjoy. Many ordinary people think it is bad and it makes them depressed. It’s best to realize like this and enjoy [the sickness or obstacle]. There’s no way to be depressed.
In nyung nä there are many hardships, like feeling tired, sick, etc. However many hardships we experience, that many eons [of negative karma] get purified. We must recognize that.
I just heard from a monk here at Kopan who leads the prayers. He told me that the night before last, he was memorizing Madhyamaka. He memorized the text for two hours in the morning, then in the evening he revised his memorization from the morning. One time he was doing the evening part while going around the prayer wheel, but there was one prayer in particular that he couldn’t remember. He even expressed how difficult this was when he was in the West.
Then at this time, at the prayer wheel, a small monk appeared speaking Tibetan. (At Kopan the small monks don’t speak Tibetan. they only speak Nepali. They learn Tibetan later.) This small monk said, “You forgot and have difficulty; you need purification.” The older monk then followed the young monk, but he disappeared. I said that it could be Lama Tsongkhapa or Chandrakirti, the author of Madhyamaka. It could be them, I told him. Also it could be His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He followed the young monk, who then disappeared. He couldn’t catch him. It’s unbelievable that he could help.
In Tibet, after Serkong Dorje Chang completed his Geshe Lharampa degree, he lived an ascetic life with a secret mother and attained a high level of realization, clear light. His Holiness had advised him to take a secret mother in order to complete the practice but he felt shy. He was told two or three times to do this, then he took the secret mother and completed the tantric path. For him, at one time, an ordinary monk appeared and recited the text A Good Explanation of the Definitive and Interpretative Meanings1 then disappeared. It seems it was Lama Tsongkhapa. Then Tsenshab Serkong was born from that [previous incarnation] and went on to help and assist His Holiness in debate. Then His Holiness took teachings from him.
A few times I had the opportunity to take teachings from Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche, but I didn’t. The name Serkong Dorje Chang indicates the manifestation of an aspect of the Buddha.
I requested [the lung of A Good Explanation] from Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche but he only gave it to Alex Berzin, who received it twice. The reincarnation of Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche took the lung from Alex Berzin and I took it from Tsenshab Serkong Rinpoche. I also received it from His Holiness and other lamas, so it’s a close lineage from Lama Tsongkhapa.
The main story is that the little monk came to tell the other monk about purification, and he was speaking in Tibetan, however no little monks spoke Tibetan. So for you people, whatever the purification, it’s so incredible and worthwhile. So please enjoy.
In following the virtuous friend, doing nyung nä, there are so many mandalas and prostrations, therefore so many harms to the body and mind in this life, even in dreams, get purified.
Lama Tsongkhapa explained, from the Ksitigarbha Sutra text, that innumerable, ten million eons of wandering in the lower realms—the hell, hungry ghost and animal realms—get finished by experiencing contagious disease in this life, also famine, being scolded, experiencing some harm to body and mind, and even some discomfort in our dreams. All that negative karma gets finished. We don’t have to experience the result at all, by following the virtuous friend and fulfilling their wishes and advice.
Please pass this message to everyone. Thank you very much.
1 དྲང་ངེས་ལེགས་བཤད་སྙིང་པོ། (Tib: drang ne lek she nying po; Wyl: drang nges legs bshad snying po) The text title is also translated as The Essence of True Eloquence or Essence of Eloquence: A Treatise Distinguishing between the Provisional and the Definitive Meaning. [Return to text]