The Essence of Guru Yoga

The Essence of Guru Yoga

Date of Advice:
October 2021
Date Posted:
November 2023

A student had received lifetime practices from Rinpoche but at the time Rinpoche had advised a Highest Yoga Tantra deity did not come out as their yidam (personal deity) and to check again after six months. This is Rinpoche’s reply to the student’s second request.

Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche with His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Third Dharma Celebration, Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi, India, 1983. Photo: Bill Kane

My most dear, most precious, most kind, wish-fulfilling one,
Chenrezig and Medicine Buddha practice are common practices for everyone. Highest Yoga Tantra practice for you has not yet come out according to my observation; it didn’t come out. So maybe you will have to wait another ten months and then remind me. Just from my observation it didn’t come out, so you will have to wait.

However, there’s no deity separate from the guru. Padmasambhava, the great enlightened yogi who appeared during Milarepa’s time, said that if we regard the guru as more precious than Dorje Chang, Vajradhara, then realizations can happen this life. This means that we have to look at it in this way, then we will have realizations.

If we think Dorje Chang is something very special and the guru is almost nothing, sort of very ordinary, then there’s no way we can have realizations of the path to enlightenment. So we have to keep that meditation in our heart.

It is mentioned in a sutra called Stainless Sky that we should regard the guru as more precious, more special, than all the tathagatas, which means all the buddhas. Even though all the buddhas are highly skilled, learned in methods, wise in methods and greatly compassionate, without the condition of the guru, all the buddhas’ blessings cannot be received in the hearts of the disciples. That means all of the buddhas' holy actions cannot be received in the hearts of the disciples and the way to be subdued cannot happen.

That is not only relating to those called gurus in the world, but especially it is relating to our own guru. We should regard our own guru as more precious than all the buddhas of the ten directions, therefore, for that reason, we must have a guru.

The great yogi Indrabhuti achieved enlightenment in one brief life of degenerate times, and it is said that the whole village went to the pure land. In one tantric teaching called Yeshe Drubpa that he gave, he said:

Even if you have complete qualities (which means you know the entire sutra and tantra teachings by heart), without the guru you can’t be liberated from samsara.

For example, without the oarsmen holding the oars, the boat cannot go beyond or cross the ocean.

All the buddhas of the past, present and future came from the guru. Without the guru there’s not even the name “Buddha.” Therefore, we must rely on the guru and listen to them; that means following [their advice.] It’s so important.

In the long Six-Session Guru Yoga, in the section on the guru’s kindness, it says the guru is doing all the actions of the victorious buddhas in numberless fields, which means in numberless universes, and “I make requests to the precious guru.” It says not only in numberless universes, but also in the past, numberless buddhas guided numberless sentient beings to enlightenment already. They brought numberless sentient beings to enlightenment already, they are enlightening numberless individual beings now and numberless individual beings will be brought to enlightenment in the future by all the victorious ones, all the buddhas.

The Essential Nectar, a lamrim text, says that until our mind is separated from the obscurations and negative karma, the karmic obscurations, then even if every single buddha descended in front of us, we have no other way to see them or for them to appear, to just have the present appearance. We have no opportunity to see the holy body adorned with the holy signs and exemplifications. There are thirty-two holy signs and eighty exemplifications for a buddha’s holy body in nirmanakaya aspect.

This means the appearance we have is the guru. Our mind is obscured so we can’t see a buddha in the aspect of Buddha. Same thing, we can’t see numberless buddhas working for us, we don’t see them, we don’t realize this. There are numberless buddhas working for us through the guru, who appears in ordinary aspect to us, according to our ordinary mind.

Of course, that doesn’t mean I’m a buddha. So sorry, that doesn’t mean I’m a buddha. So sorry, I should have been a buddha by now, since beginningless rebirths. You know, I should be a buddha by now. So sorry, still I didn’t become a buddha; this is a mistake from my side.

Your other gurus, like Garchen Rinpoche, are all buddhas. They’re numberless buddhas working through each of these gurus, like Garchen Rinpoche, His Holiness and anyone with whom you have made a Dharma connection.

Our mind, the continuation of our mind has no beginning; the continuation of our delusion has no beginning. Therefore, the result, the continuation of our suffering in samsara, has no beginning. The sufferings from beginningless rebirths, the six-realm sufferings—amazing, amazing—the oceans of suffering of samsara of each realm are so deep and so vast.

If we don’t meet Dharma in this life—we have received a perfect human body but if we don’t meet the Dharma, if we don’t meet the guru revealing the path to enlightenment—there are numberless buddhas working through the aspect of the guru that we have a karmic connection with, but without all this, we wouldn’t have even a human body, let alone a perfect human body. We wouldn’t have met the Dharma, we wouldn’t have met a guru revealing the unmistaken path to enlightenment, which is the numberless buddhas guiding us through this aspect.

That means the numberless buddhas have omniscience, perfect power, understanding the past, present and future, our consciousness, our mind, our suffering, everything, our needs exactly. They have perfect power to reveal with their holy body and mind whatever is needed, they can reveal that. They have guided us since beginningless rebirths and also with compassion are embracing us from beginningless rebirths.

As I mentioned before, our mind is obscured by karmic obscurations, so we can’t see Buddha in the aspect of a buddha. Therefore, by manifesting in an ordinary aspect the guru then guides us according to our karma. Depending on how much good karma there is, the guru has guided us from beginningless rebirths.

That means Garchen Rinpoche, for example, has been guiding you since beginningless rebirths, not only in this life. All the buddhas have been guiding you through him, but in different aspects in each life. This understanding is extremely important—that the guru is guiding you—that every single buddha is guiding you through this aspect. That is the most important understanding and mindfulness to have, everyday mindfulness.

In the lamrim it is said that all the buddhas’ holy body, holy speech and holy mind actually enter into the guru and bless you, the disciple. There it explains another way to think—that from the disciple’s side, the guru is actually all the buddhas.

To prove that, even ordinary spirits act through a medium. When we think of the spirit’s name, then it immediately enters into the medium and changes their face, their voice and their language. Therefore, no question, when we think of our guru as the Buddha, they are the Buddha, and when we think of the guru as all the buddhas, then immediately they’re all there, because they have omniscience, perfect power and compassion embracing numberless sentient beings.

It’s not like an ordinary spirit who doesn’t have renunciation of samsara, bodhicitta or right view, but when we even mention their name they enter [the medium] immediately. So of course, the second we think of the guru as a buddha, all the numberless buddhas are in the guru’s holy body.

According to sutra, anyone who thinks that the guru is a buddha, then the Buddha enters that person and always blesses the disciple’s mind and liberates them from all the shortcomings. That is a very important quotation to remember. It’s good to remember this and think about it every day.

I’ll mention one more quotation, then I’ll stop here. It is said in the Condensed Meaning of Tantra and in the Fifty Verses of Guru Devotion, that realizations depend on following the guru. This is said by the vajra-holder, Vajradhara. So with all the phenomena we should please the guru completely. There’s no need to say much—just do whatever pleases the guru and abandon anything that displeases them. If we put all our effort into that, all the general and sublime realizations will be achieved in this life.

What it is saying is to stop the thought of mistakes and remember their qualities and kindness and lead the mind in that. It says to hold the [view] of the guru only having qualities and never hold [the view of them making] mistakes. If we hold the view with qualities, we will achieve realizations; if we hold the view with mistakes, we won’t achieve realizations.

There’s one more quotation. Sakya Pandita said,

Even though the beams of the sun are extremely hot, without a magnifying glass they cannot produce fire. Like that, without the gurus, the blessings of the buddhas cannot be received.

There’s a plant that, by drying and rubbing it, then putting a magnifying glass on top, the sunbeams come through and we can produce fire, and smoke comes. Without the magnifying glass, no matter how hot the sun is, we cannot produce fire. Like that, by pleasing the guru, all the buddhas—which means numberless buddhas—are pleased. The guru embodies all Buddha, Dharma, Sangha into one, thus we go for refuge.

When the guru is happy, all the buddhas are happy. As I mentioned at the beginning and have been explaining, even if we don’t see a buddha, by having the connection, the Dharma connection, guru-disciple, then all the buddhas are guiding us through that aspect. This quotation should help. I’ll stop here.

This should be the real essence in the guru yoga meditations. If possible, it’s good to meditate on this every day, to go through what I have said. Then once you see every guru that you have a Dharma connection with, a guru-disciple relationship, you see [the guru as] all the buddhas. Then from that unchangeable devotion all the lamrim realizations come—the graduated path of the lower capable being, the graduated path of the middle capable being and the graduated path of the higher capable being. That’s it. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

So yes, with the deity or not, the guru you have is so much more than the deity. Numberless buddhas are guiding you through that. So the guru is most important; more important than the deity.

Thank you very much.

With much love and prayers ...