Chronic Stomach Problems

Chronic Stomach Problems

Date Posted:
June 2011

A young student had persistent stomach problems. She often vomited and was in intense pain, and had been admitted to hospital many times. The doctors were unable to find a cause or a way to treat the illness. 

This is my advice. You need to have the following pujas done:

  • She-nyin dü-dog puja
  • Naga Incense puja—make sure it is on the correct date.

These are the Tibetan medicines to take:

  • Khyung-nga: two a day for three months
  • Jüng-nga: four a day for seven days
  • Precious pills: take one after the other and make sure to always have two days’ break between taking the pills
  • Rinchen ril-nag: four a week for two weeks
  • Moon Crystal: three a week for seven weeks