The Index Page provides an outline of the topics discussed in each of the lectures. Click on the links below to go directly to a particular lecture.
- About the LYWA Kopan eBook Project
Lecture 1: November 29
- The Reason You Have Come to Kopan
- The Three Great Meanings
- We Are Here to Serve Others
- Making Each Day Meaningful
- The Three Great Meanings (Back to)
- Having a Good Heart
- Milarepa
- Dedications
Lecture 2: November 30
- Seeing Things as a Hallucination
- Emptiness and Dependent Arising
- The Heart Sutra
- The Graduated Path of the Three Capable Beings
- Look at the Hallucinated Mundane World
- Dedications
Lecture 3: December 1
- Meditating on the Nature of Causative Phenomena
- Subtle Karma and Examining Our Life
- The Four Unknowing Minds
- With Dependent Arising We Eliminate Ignorance
- The Subtle Middle Way Between Eternalism and Nihilism
- Only Prasangika Have a Perfect View of Emptiness
- “Nothing Exists and Yet It Appears”
- Dedications
Lecture 4: December 3
- That Which Is Dependent Arising Is Empty
- Looking Back on the Mirage of True Existence
- Four Ways to Achieve Realizations
- The I on the I
- The Importance of Preliminary Practices
- Everything Is Created by the Mind
- Dedications
Lecture 5: December 4
- The Real Kopan Is Defective View
- Freeing All Transmigratory Beings
- Rinpoche’s Mouse Karma
- Making Charity to Animals
- Alleviating the Darkness of Ignorance
- Taking Precepts Brings Great Benefit to the World
- Dedications
Lecture 6: December 5
- Bodhicitta Eliminates All Faults and Generates All Qualities
- Oral Transmission of the Namgyalma Mantra
- The Oral Transmission of the Mantra of the Sutra of Great Liberation
- Reciting the Five Powerful Mantras
- Being Aware of the Illusion
- Meditating on the Suffering of the Beach
- Look at Unharmonious Situations as Like Illusions
Lecture 7: December 7, am
- Rinpoche Denies Being a Bodhisattva
- Rinpoche Remembers the Nepalese Earthquake
- Generating Compassion and Taking on the Suffering of Others
- The Kindness of All Sentient Beings
Lecture 8: December 7, pm
- Giving Creates So Much Merit
- With Karma We Can Transform Our Life
- The Bodhisattva Attitude
- Transforming Suffering
- Developing the Bodhisattva Attitude
- Verses from Praise to Bodhicitta
- Benefiting Sentient Beings Is Benefiting the Buddha
Lecture 9: December 9
- Verses from Praise to Bodhicitta
- The Purpose of Our Life Is to Repay Others’ Kindness
- The Three Capable Beings
- Seeing the Suffering of Others Inspires Us to Practice the Dharma
- The Real I and the Snake
- Emptiness Is Not Nonexistence
Lecture 10: December 10
- Does Alzheimer’s Exist?
- We Can’t Disprove Reincarnation Just Because We Can’t See It
- Being Used by Others
- The Time of Death
- Cherishing Others More than ourselves
- Refuge Preparation
- The Refuge Book
- The Merits of Offering to a Statue
- The Four Suffering Results of Sexual Misconduct
- The Refuge Ceremony
- Dedications
Lecture 11: December 11, am
- Separating from the Four Clingings
- Avoiding the Wrong Meditation on Emptiness
- Licking Honey from the Sword
- How the Buddha Teaches Us
Lecture 12: December 11, pm
- The Benefits of the Longest Chenrezig mantra
- The Rice Seedling Sutra
- The Wheel of Life
Lecture 13: December 11, pm
- The Benefits of Reciting the Buddha’s Name Mantra
- The Wheel of Life [Back to]
- We Are in the Fangs of Yama
- The Meaning of Vajrasattva