Healing Course (Audio and Unedited Transcripts)

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Melbourne, Australia, 1991 (Archive #874)

The first part of a series of teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche at Tara Institute in Melbourne, Australia in August 1991. This series formed the basis for the book Ultimate Healing, published by Wisdom Publications.

The second part of the series can be accessed here.

Inner and Outer Obstacles; Ways of Thinking

Rinpoche: No, no, no.

Audience: Do you have them paying?

Rinpoche: Paying? Sorry, I should have said pain but I said paying. What, how do you say, how do you say? Paying or pain?

Audience: Pain

Rinpoche: Pain, in the leg? Oh I see. Is that the main part where the disease is?

Audience: Bone

Rinpoche: It's bone, and muscle, I see. All the time or time to time?

Audience: Oh, mostly all the time.

Rinpoche: Small pain or big? Depends.

Audience: Average.

Rinpoche: Average. Yeah, yeah. Okay. [water being poured) A little bit can have, a little bit can have. As far as pain, cancer has more pain?

Audience: Yeah, yeah.

Rinpoche: Generally, it's more rough, more rough. 

So purpose of my life is to free everyone from all the undesirable things, the sufferings and causes and lead to the ultimate happiness, besides bringing them even in the temporary happiness. Those sentient beings, those living beings who want happiness and do not want sufferings. So to cause happiness to the other living beings, who are source of all my past, present, future happiness, from whom I receive all my enjoyment, happiness, those other living beings who are numberless like the infinite sky, other living beings who are source of all my happiness equaling the infinite sky.

To be able to do that, I myself should become the perfect being, perfect guide, having the omniscient mind and perfect power to help them and to reveal the methods and completed mind training in compassion for all beings. For that then I need to develop wisdom, method, the compassion so forth, these inner qualities of the mind, that which is the most important healing for oneself and for all other living beings. For the benefit of all other living beings.

Then, to do this need to be free from outer and inner obstacles. For the success of this one need to be free from all the outer and inner obstacles. Outer obstacles, the outside conditions that which, because of the inner obstacles, the self- cherishing thought and the hallucinated mind the ignorance perceiving things the wrong way and believing things in those false views such as the I and so forth, in the false way. Then the dissatisfied mind, the attachment, the anger so forth, these emotional, these wrong concept, these inner obstacles, because of these and actions done out of that, left imprint on the mind that which makes possible to rise again these disturbing thoughts and actions. So these are the inner obstacles and outer obstacles, then the disease and so forth and all those other problems, outside conditions. Without the inner obstacle there is no outer obstacle. Without the inner obstacle there is no creator for the outer obstacles. There is no creator which makes which makes outside things to become condition to disturb, to harm, to disturb to oneself, one's body or the mind.

Without the inner obstacle there is no outer obstacle. The outer obstacle comes from the inner obstacle. That is how it is related, that is the way how it is related. The evolution of the outer obstacles, that outer obstacles, outside things that which become condition for problem, life problems, so that came, the outside things made the, they became disturbing, harming conditions by the inner obstacle, because of the inner cause. The cause that is within the mind.

So, here, so in order to success, to heal our mind or to develop the qualities of our mind, the positive, the good qualities of the mind, then the most important scientific knowledge, not external scientific knowledge but this is scientific knowledge of the mind, that through understanding mind as I mentioned yesterday two types of ultimate nature and conventional nature, subject of the mind is more extensive than outside phenomena. If one understand the mind then only then one can understand outside phenomena exactly, correctly, otherwise without understanding the mind you cannot understand well outside phenomena how they exist. What is their nature, what is their ultimate nature, what is their conventional nature, cannot understand perfectly, cannot understand completely. There is no way to understand completely without understanding the mind. Without understanding the nature of the mind.

Even as a general education in the world, to be able to define exactly what it is, the outside phenomena, what they are and how they exist, only one can understand clearly, depth, by understanding the mind, what is the mind. Through development of education of mind. Generally speaking as education like that, then practical way that how to solve the problem, life problems. We have to understand what's the root in order to solve the life problem, first we have to understand what is the root of the problems. Only then we can, only then we know, we come to know what is the ultimate way to never experience the problem at all. Only then we can come to the point to understand how we can make ourselves to not experience the problem at all. Otherwise as long as we do not recognize the cause, the root of the problems, then there is no way. Without recognizing the root of the problems then we can also, it can interfere also to not understand completely, to not recognize completely whole entire problems and only recognition of all our problems is limited, we see only some part of the problems. Also that. So that means we cannot heal or liberate oneself completely from all the problems.

So however, so therefore, so since the root of the problem is within our mind, it's not outside, it is within our mind, is the unskillful way of thinking, the wrong way of thinking. So we have to recognize with our wisdom, that we have to analyze and we have to recognize with our wisdom which are the right way of thinking and which are the wrong way of thinking. Right way of thinking which creates happiness. Wrong way of thinking which produces problems. So, that which creates our life. So this way of thinking, however, our mind makes our life, creates our life. So depending way of thinking, so there's problem in the life, depending one way of thinking then there's no problem in the life. So even there's a problem, even there is not really, even there is no, even with the same life situation, externally nothing changes, same, but with one interpretation, when you put another interpretation of the life then you see problem. But with another, externally nothing changes, same, but because the mind interpretation, the way the mind look at life, interpretation, depending how the mind regard or labels, put labels in this situation then one see problem. As one label problem, as one look at the situation as, interpreted something wrong, interpreted something missing or something wrong, then one label that as a problem. So after one put the label problem then there's appearance of problem. But until one put the label problem, until one put the imputation or until one put the recognition of the, recognition which means the interpretation, which means the imputation, the label that this is no good, that this is bad. Then one establish thought of dislike. After one put the label bad then one establish the thought dislike on that situation and then one label problem. Then as one put all these labels on that, this and that, then there's appearance of bad, after one put the label bad then the appearance of bad, then as one label problem then there is appearance of problem.

So like this, externally the same, nothing changed, but before there was no problem, externally the same nothing changed, [alarm sounds], now the external changing. Anyway, so even externally it's the same, but because the way the mind think of, the way it look at, so the way the mind think it makes to perceive the things, it makes to perceive the life, the way the mind think different, each time different way, it makes the life to perceive in different way. And that's how the evolution is, the life appears in different way, depending on how the mind interpret.

So, then there is like this. And then, even there is external change, but external change came from the mind. Even there is external change, meeting object, not meeting object, having the object, not having the object, so because of that bringing happiness, because of that then feeling becomes pleasant, unpleasant, indifferent, due to external change and meeting, having met the object, having met desirable, having met beautiful object, having met desirable object, having met ugly object or the undesirable object. So meeting, having met the desirable object, separating from the desirable object, so, it's, so then the feeling changes, the feeling becomes pleasant, unpleasant. So again, the feeling, what makes the feeling unpleasant is because you recognize the object that you have met is undesirable, because you interpreted, the object that you meet interpreted bad. Object what you meet, what you experience or what you meet is, what you meet with your senses interpreted bad, labeled "this is bad." One established that undesirable thought on that. Rather thinking of the qualities of that, benefits what you get, rather thinking, by thinking the benefits of that object, rather thinking the benefits of the problem, rather thinking of the benefits of having met that object, qualities or benefits what it, whether benefits of the, benefits what you get, benefits what one get from the enemy, person who doesn't love you, who gave up you, who disrespect or who badly treat. However, rather thinking the benefits what you get, there is other positive side that you learn, there is so much that you learn from that person, with that person who doesn't love you, who does everything opposite according to one's own attachment, who does everything opposite according to one's own selfish mind. Who does everything against to this, to one's own this wrong thought, the unreasonable thought or the non-valid mind, or the wrong concept, who does everything against one's own wrong concept.

So there is so much to learn for one's own mind. With that person, there is so much to learn one's own mind, one's own nature of the mind. To realize the nature of one's own mind. However, to develop the most precious quality of our own mind, the compassion, loving kindness, wisdom, so forth. All these that, the path to the peace of, the path to the inner peace, the path to the satisfaction, the path to the ultimate happiness, the path to the peerless happiness the full enlightenment that which makes, that which gives opportunity, power, to free everyone from all the obscuration, sufferings and lead to highest happiness. So all these benefits you get from this person. There are so many benefits you get from this person, there are many positive side.

So however there's infinite benefits, the positive things, positive side, positive things that you get, that you gain from that person, that that person offers to you. If one meditate this way, if one look at that person in this way, if one meditate, if one use that person object of meditation. This way then you gain all these infinite benefits from that person, that person offers to you. Like for example, you can use the medicine as a poison but also you can use the medicine as medicine. So like that, you can use the, so there are things one can use, even if it's poison, there are many medicines, in many medicines there are poisons are used. But by putting, by integrating with some other, by purifying, by integrating with some other material, it becomes medicine to cure that particular disease. So like that.

So like that it depends on how we use, from our side how we use that person. If we use negative way, it's only negative. If we use that person only negative way, if you use that person only thinking negative, then that's what we get, only negative. But if you use that person, same person, positive way we get only positive, only benefit. No loss, only gaining, so like that...

...there's infinite benefits, the positive things, positive side, positive things that you get, that you gain from that person, that person offers to you, if one meditate this way, on that, if one look at that person in this way, if one meditate, if one use that person object of meditation, this way then you gain all these infinite benefits from that person, that person offers to you. Like for example, you can use the medicine as poison but also you can use the medicine as medicine, so like that, you can use, so there are things one can use, even it's poison, in many medicines there are poisons are used, but by putting, by integrating with some other, by purifying, by integrating with some other material, it becomes medicine to cure that particular disease.

So like that, it depends on how we use, from our side, how we use that person. If we use in negative way, it's only negative. If we use that person only thinking negative, then that's what we get is only negative. But if we use that person, that same person, positive way, we get only positive, only benefit, no loss, only gaining. So like such as poison, things, many times it's used for medicine. So up to us, how we look at the object, how we use the object. So there is, you make the object constantly to receive harm to you, bothering to you or you use the object constantly to receive benefit, peace, healthy body, healthy mind.

So however, anyway, like this, so going back it started from even the outside conditions, outside conditions depending on that then problem happening. So even those came from the mind, they are created by the mind, the inner obstacle. So what I was trying to say is, you see there's two different examples, even the life situation is the same, but depending on how you interpret then one, even there was no problem before, but one make it a problem, with one's own mind, one's way of thinking then it makes to find a problem in the life. Even before, without that thought, without that particular concept, then there's no problem, before.

Then, even external things change, by ?themselves change, then feelings becoming pleasant, unpleasant, becoming different depending, you meet the object or you separate from the object, so, meeting the desirable object, so to the senses, then even that is because that is interpreted that is good and then appeared good and one establish thought, like. One look at, one interpret it as good and establish thought of like. So when you meet that object with the senses, which you interpret that way, then, the feeling becomes pleasant. Then, when the object, separating away from the senses, then one interpreted that as bad, I don't like, establish the thought of dislike, bad, one labeled all these things, mind interpreted, made up this concept that this object being away, then from the senses meeting, then this is bad, meeting the object, which one interpreted bad, establish the thought of dislike. So the meeting, then bad, undesirable, establish the thought undesirable or dislike. So then the feeling, by this concept, or by this interpretation, then the feeling become unpleasant.

So, even the external changes came from the mind, the external changes affecting, changing the feeling, also came from the mind. So therefore, then, I'm going to do the healing course in order to develop the inner good quality of mind for the sake of all sentient beings, so then for that reason need to heal the mind and the body. So, doing the healing is for the sake of every living being, to free them from all the obscurations, sufferings, all the problems and to lead them to happiness, highest peerless happiness. So, I stop here. [pause]

So these mantras, this water I recited many different, quite a number of mantras, I did prayer, so besides meditation, besides thought transformation, the healing psychology, thought transformation, and that we heal by ourselves, that each of us ourself become the healer to ourself, oneself become the healer to oneself and then thought, the psychology or the thought transformation looking everything as positive, rather looking at everything negative. So that is the main philosophy, that is the main meditation. And because everything came from the mind, everything dependent to the mind, so we have incredible freedom, because everything came from one's own mind. So it is up to one's own mind, how we want, what we want life to be pleasant or unhappy, depends on how we think, depends how much understanding we have and then how we think.

Then other thing is the meditation on the deity, this particular aspect. In Tibet this is very common, the practice of this deity, very popular, there are many different aspects of this deity, different color, different aspect, and the pill, there is special pill, blessed pill related with this deity, so it's very common that certain monasteries, like there's one monastery in Tibet, Tantric College, so this particular monastery, actually they have special pill that they give to everybody to eliminate disease. So also I make this pill. Last few years I made this pill and it has been effective. It covers, the pill is made of many different herbs, substances that which are for different diseases, so this is for all the major diseases. However, somehow, this deity came out, this black one came out many times that to this, to our this healing course, that this one came out many times. This is well-known and general people's, many meditators, many common people's experience, it's well known that this Logyönma, wearing leave skirt, but here the black one is in tiger skirt, very powerful, it's well known, very powerful for, to stop contagious, epidemic disease, all these. So however, meditating on the deity and reciting mantra, so then in this way then we heal ourself.

Then, other thing is the water, blessing the water and then drinking. This is very common in Tibet, the lamas or meditators, the practitioners, those healers, then they bless the water and they give to many people, this is a very common way, with some material, with some substances, then by making, by creating power on that, then healing. So, specially the inside disease, bones or anything, however, and not just healing the disease, these mantras are very powerful. The mantras that I have recited, they are not only to heal disease but purify the mind, the most important thing is purifying the mind, the negative actions and the thoughts, the negative imprint that is left on the mind, so however, these mantras has much power to purify the cause of the problems. So that one, which is the most important one. So, like that.

So then other idea is then to have a little bit of water at beginning of session of meditation, then also at the end, drink a little bit of water. So like that. So, I stop here.

Jang chub sem chog...

May the altruism, source of all the happiness for oneself, for all sentient beings, may it generated within me and in the minds of other sentient beings by my positive action, the meditation, that was done in the past, present, which will be done in the future [pause] and to achieve the peerless happiness, full enlightenment and lead everyone to this state as quick as possible. Thank you very much. Thank you.