Support for Research on Bhikshuni Vows

Support for Research on Bhikshuni Vows

Date Posted:
June 2008

Rinpoche sent the following letter regarding a conference about bhikshuni ordination.

Most precious jewel Sangha,
Holy object of refuge of sentient beings, supreme in assemblies, I offer my greetings and pay homage.

I offer my support in your research on the bhikshuni vows and wish for the most beneficial outcome.

For fortunate Buddhist women, who already have the full potential and opportunity to attain enlightenment, in case the lineage of the bhikshuni ordination doesn’t succeed, still you can keep pure the sramanerika vows. If you wish for higher and more vows, you can take the bodhisattva vows, and if you wish for yet higher and more vows, you can take the tantric vows. So, in essence, whatever the outcome may be, you should take the freedom to achieve enlightenment quickly for the sake of all sentient beings, as no one is stopping you. This is the most meaningful activity – the best Olympics.

I thank you all for bringing peace within yourselves and the world.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche

PS. Of course, I support bhikshuni ordination, but in case it does not happen then you should not get upset, as there are still so many more vows which can be kept.