Separation Is Definite

Separation Is Definite

Date of Advice:
January 2016
Date Posted:
January 2022

Rinpoche quoted Milarepa in this advice about the inevitable separation from our loved ones, belongings and enjoyments.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Mende, Nepal, 1978. Photo: Ueli Minder.

From the great yogi Milarepa, who achieved peerless happiness, buddhahood, in one brief lifetime of degenerated time:

Even though we wish to never be separated from our relationships, family and connected ones,
It is definite we have to be separated from them.

Even though we wish to always enjoy good rooms, beddings and belongings,
It is definite we have to be separated from these.

Even though we wish to always enjoy the enjoyments, without being separated,
It is definite that we have to be separated from them.

Not only is it definite that we have to be separated from this, but it can happen any moment.

From Mickey Mouse Zopa