Growing Up Too Fast

Growing Up Too Fast

Date Posted:
October 2005

A student expressed concern for her teenage daughter, who was 16 years old and had started experimenting with different things. The mother felt that daughter was not always telling her the truth.

Raising children in a society full of negative influences, where bad friends are many, and good friends—disciplined, compassionate friends— are few, is not easy. Western culture has so much desire. It is not like so-called “developing” countries. Here, advertisements are all about desire, advertising what to do best for one’s desire, just like food commercials make us want to eat. All these things—bad friends, culture, school—make teenagers uneasy.

Just like tsa-tsa molds, our friends are like models for us. Parents should teach children never to forget karma.

Every day, pray to Medicine Buddha that she will grow up with all the qualities of the Buddhas, of Tara, and of Chenrezig, with the best qualities. The prayers of people who share homes have great power for each other. If you just pray for a healthy life, and other things like that for your daughter, then you are just focusing on the benefits of this life. That is not so good. But if she has all the best inner qualities, then she can be free from all suffering and can help all sentient beings.