You are not losing your enlightenment, your liberation from samsara. You’re not losing a good rebirth in your next life. If that were the case, that would be something to be seriously worried about. Put whatever effort you can into studying, but in the event that you don’t succeed, look at the activities of this life as like the activities of a dream. What one gains or loses in a dream, when one wakes up, is nothing. Especially when the time of death comes, the activities of this life become like a dream, just totally empty. Especially at that time, you can see that the work you do just for this life is totally meaningless.
Therefore, you shouldn’t worry too much. Even if you don’t succeed, you will manage to find a job. You can always be helped. You have a good heart, therefore you have some merit. You shouldn’t have a difficult life. Therefore, don’t worry too much.