Dedications After Turning a Prayer Wheel

Dedications After Turning a Prayer Wheel

Date of Advice:
September 2019
Date Posted:
January 2022

Rinpoche recommended this request and dedication from the nyung nä sadhana after turning a prayer wheel.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Taos, New Mexico, 1999. Photo: Lenny Foster.

When you turn the prayer wheel, please use the request to Chenrezig, from the nyung nä practice. The prayer starts with:

O Arya Avalokiteshvara, treasure of compassion
Together with your retinue, please pay attention to me….1

Then there is a prayer that says: “May I be like you, Chenrezig.” If you can’t find the prayer you can ask someone who is familiar with nyung näs. When you recite this verse, relate it to your guru.

In all lifetimes, to benefit other sentient beings,
May I and all other sentient beings
Become only like you, Guru Chenrezig,
And like your retinue, your life span, your pure realm and your holy name.2

After turning the prayer wheel, at the end recite this prayer to Chenrezig and then the verse to be like Chenrezig, “May I be like your holy body.” It is the same verse I recite when I offer a khatag to a statue, so do like that.

Then dedicate:

Due to all the past, present, and future merits collected by me and all the merits of the three times collected by numberless buddhas and numberless sentient beings, may bodhicitta, the source of all happiness and success for all sentient beings, be generated in the hearts of all the sentient beings of the six realms, and especially in the hearts of everybody in this world, including all the students, center benefactors, and volunteers in the FPMT organization. May it be generated in the hearts of all those who rely upon me, all those for whom I have promised to pray, and all those whose names have been given to me. May it be generated in my heart and in the hearts of all my family members, those who are living and those who have died. May the bodhicitta that has already been generated increase.

You can also specifically include to all your family members, those who are dead and also those who are alive. Then do the rest of the dedication prayers that I normally do.


1 See pp. 108–9, Nyung Nä Ritual Sadhana, FPMT, 2015.

2 See p. 254, Abiding in the Retreat, LYWA, 2017.