Cockroaches in the House

Cockroaches in the House

Date Posted:
October 2009

This conversation with Rinpoche came up in relationship to a Dharma center having many cockroaches.

If you have cockroaches, you can do Sur offering for them. There is a reason why they have come to the center. It’s because you have a karmic debt with them. They didn’t come intentionally; it’s not like all the cockroaches had a meeting and decided to move into the center, it happened by the force of karma. So, you need to do Sur offering to repay your karmic debts with them. If you didn’t have a karmic debt with them, they wouldn’t come. It’s the same with mice or insects that eat crops and flowers, or woodworm in a house. It’s because there are some karmic debts. So, one thing you can do is to offer them what they want, offer charity to them, because we never get the opportunity to offer things to sentient beings. The other thing is to do Sur practice and the 100 torma offering. I can also give you mantras to recite.

One of my students spoke to a mouse and asked it to move outside the house and it went. She also spoke to some insects and told them to leave and they went. There are some other stories like that. So, it seems that if you talk sincerely to these creatures, with some it works.

You can put the cockroaches in a small part of the house. Otherwise, make a house out of a paper box, find out what they eat and put that in the box, and then after they have gone in the box, put the box outside. Then, sometimes, go and give them food. By putting them in the box they are protected. If food is given regularly, it becomes charity.