Changing Feng Shui

Changing Feng Shui

Date Posted:
May 2012

A student living in Vietnam moved into a new apartment where there was building construction next door. She couldn’t sleep because she was worried about her husband’s business and her sleep disorder was affecting her work.

My dear one,
Thank you very much for your letter. According to my observation, you should change the feng shui and fix the feng shui of the house. You need somebody who knows feng shui well. Many people try, but can make mistakes. If you have a few people, then send me their names and I will try to check. One monk is quite good; his name is Jampa Ludrup.

And then recite the Padmasambhava prayer, Eliminating Obstacles. Recite this prayer for your family and for success in business so that you can help others.

Also recite the Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret Sublime Success mantra. Try reciting one mala; if that’s difficult, recite half a mala, then later one mala. Try very hard. But don’t miss the bodhicitta and renunciation of this life, then reciting mantras becomes the cause of happiness of future lives, liberation and enlightenment.

With much love and prayer...