Teachings from the Nyung-nä Retreat (Audio and Unedited Transcripts)

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Shakyamuni Center, Taichung, Taiwan (Archive #1605)

These recordings are from teachings on the nyung-nä practice given at Shakyamuni Center, Taiwan on 23-24 February 2007. The series includes an oral transmission of the nyung-nä text and the long Chenrezig mantra.

For more advice on nyung-nä practice, see Nyung-nä Teachings at Lawudo, a series of ten teachings given at Lawudo Retreat Centre, 1978. See also Nyung-nä Practice: Prostrations and Offerings and Rinpoche's Online Advice Book.

Oral Transmission (continued); Long Chenrezig Mantra; Dedications

[Rinpoche continues the oral transmission of the nyung-nä text.]

There should be at the end of the sadhana, because _________ text, so it should be there. So when you do nyung-nä, also I think the lower tantra practice, so when you fell asleep or yawning or spit come out or broke your silence, the ordinary words, not reciting prayer or Dharma but just talk, ordinary words or talk happened, or gas, fart. Fart? Gas? No. What do you call? Gas? Gas come out or, so one word I don’t know, anyway, when those things happen, to be perfect the practice, then you wash with water from the vase, then you wash, put the water, then you wash your hands then you keep your knees up then put your arms down below, down below here, then on the left hand put a little bit of water then take by the right hand, right ?big/ring finger, then sprinkle to the mouth then nose, mouth, _____ the mouth then also the ear and, eyes and ear sprinkle then also put on the head. Then you, alle, oh. [pause] Yeah, then at the end, after you sprinkle, first mouth then eyes and ears, then put on the head, then you drink three times. Then you drink water three times. Then you clean the mouth, that’s cleaning the mouth, not drinking but cleaning the mouth. So it says you do like that two times or three times, it says here. This practice is called ?nyer lek, this more comes in the lower tantra.

So then you begin again from the beginning of the mala, you ?erase, wherever you reach you give up that, then you start all over again from the beginning of the mala.

But it says, the actual day of the nyung-nä, the second day, even you don’t put mouth in the water, it’s okay, it says. Yeah, okay. I’m not sure whether that is at the end of the sadhana or not, I’m not sure. It’s there? No.

Yeah, okay. That’s a practice called ?nyer lek.

Nyer lek means touching near. It’s there? Alle. In the English? Okay.

[Rinpoche continues the oral transmission of the nyung-nä text.]

The nyung-nä, the prayer of the nyung-nä, composed by the Seventh Dalai Lama.

[Rinpoche continues the oral transmission of the nyung-nä text.]

So the auspicious, I don’t know it’s English or not, there’s auspicious prayer composed by Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyältsen, I think it’s the second Panchen Lama or third, something, who composed the Guru Puja, by taking the Naropa, those great Indian pandits and other Tibetan great yogis, from their guru yoga practice, then by taking all the essence put this guru yoga puja that we recite, also the mahamudra, the root text and commentary, then ________. So, the auspicious prayer. Then the other nyung-nä prayer is done by the Seventh Dalai Lama. It’s very, both prayers are so wonderful. Is it in English?

[Ven. Sarah: There’s one by the Panchen Lama but not by the Seventh Dalai Lama.]

Oh, I see. [Rinpoche turns pages]

There’s another prayer that contains all the, contains benefits of each, like keeping silence or the nyung-nä, so what different things what they purify, which is very good, to remind, then ?give inspiration, the different practices what it does.

But I don’t remember, I received this oral transmission from His Holiness Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche at, I think, Dharamsala, but I don’t remember this prayer that which has benefits of the nyung-nä, different practices, bearing hardships being in silence, for example, then reciting the mantra and whatever sound you hear you meditate as mantra and that purifies the, yours and others’ all the negative karmas of speech and ultimate, it says, May I achieve the melody of the holy speech, perfect melody of the holy speech, may I achieve the ultimate perfect melody of holy speech, means Buddha’s. So like that, this gives an idea. But I don’t remember I have received the oral transmission or not. I can’t say. But those others might be there, I would think.

Anyway, I read in case I have received, so then….

[Rinpoche gives the oral transmission of the nyung-nä prayer.]

Abiding in the nyung-nä of the body, then the meditation, visualizing the body into deity’s holy body, appearance and empty, that purifies, so it purifies the negative karma of yourself and others, then ultimately achieve the holy body adorned with the holy signs, exemplifications. So you’re making, in the form of prayer, this is the benefits but you’re making in the form of prayer, you request, May I…., may I achieve this and this, this, like that.

[Rinpoche gives the oral transmission of the nyung-nä prayer.]

Yeah, so if the body, during nyung-nä if you’re feeling hot or cold, exhaustion, then it purifies the getting reborn in the hell due to anger. So then you make prayer to stop that rebirth.

[Rinpoche gives the oral transmission of the nyung-nä prayer.]

So whatever, the body and mind during nyung-nä, whatever suffering happens then may I take this suffering of others with the thought of benefit, cause happiness, that to purify all the sentient beings’ suffering.

[Rinpoche gives the oral transmission of the nyung-nä prayer.]

So it’s composed by a lama, ?E Kacho Den, there’s a lama called ?E Lama Kacho Den, so composed by this. But I don’t remember, wasn’t precise whether I received oral transmission, maybe received this. So if I have received this then you have ?received, so ?that I thought…. So I think that’s it. Yeah.

So the oral transmission of the nyung-nä that’s done.

[Chun Ru: Rinpoche, Sophia said that since it’s the 8th today and then is it possible for people to take precepts, not requesting Rinpoche to give precepts but just the people take precepts before 12 o’clock?]

Yes, yes. You can take any time. Yeah.

[Chun Ru: Can they take in the afternoon?]

Yes, yes. Yes, yes. Still there’s a lot of merit. Even one hour you can take. Yes, still there’s a lot of merit. Yes. That’s not common, but, like you’re going to die, you’re going to die after one hour , so then the best thing is to take vows. Best thing is to take Eight Mahayana Precepts. So, example. That’s example. Or become monk or nun. But shaving hair may take time. Then that become a very pure nun, monk, because it’s only a few hours then you don’t, one doesn’t have much opportunity to degenerate.

So anyway, yeah. So stop here. Sorry, I think you were planning to take the precepts but then, the lung took time. Maybe the long mantra lung, I think, maybe not now, the very long one, that’s very commonly recited in the Chinese society. I think I did in the past, but…. Maybe another time, so yeah. Maybe eating time.

I changed my mind. That long mantra, anyway, doesn’t take very, I mean, just two or three minutes. Because I received the oral transmission from Kyabje Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche at Kopan many, quite a number of years ago, upstairs in my room. So since I have the lineage so better then that makes worthwhile to…. Because that’s very common to recite by many people, by old people, many people, Singapore, Hong Kong, I think, I don’t know about Mainland China, so far what I’ve seen here this country, so many people recite this many hours, so I think it’s good to have, to receive the oral transmission and this is unbelievable, if you recite seven times this mantra, night, especially, anyway, nighttime if you recite, it says either one time or seven times it says, if you recite this mantra, long Chenrezig mantra, either one time or seven times, then at the beginning you remember Amitabha Buddha, remember, Chenrezig’s guru, and then you recite this, yeah, it says, in one text it says one time or seven times. There’s one text that says seven times. Anyway, it purifies, I think, 800 million eons of negative karma, 800 million eons of negative karma.

[Rinpoche gives oral transmission of the long Chenrezig mantra.]

Here, sorry, breaking this. In the Tibetan, in the different texts this mantra comes but there was a little bit different, always comes out a little bit different. Some are a little bit more extra, some. Then there’s, yeah, so much of the texts is like that, so I think the one that I have, another text, this is another text, I think this is more correct one, I think. But otherwise, there’s, it comes in a few different texts but this comes out different. Then ?Kechog Rinpoche from Sera Me, ?Kechog Rinpoche made a tape of this mantra, he made a tape, but then also some of the mantra, also his mantra, some of it comes out different. So however, basically that the power, function or power of mantra comes from the faith, not so much what you recite but from the faith. From the faith. So stronger faith there is then the mantra functions, there’s a result, whether it’s healing or whatever the success.

I mean, to really, to know everything about, without missing, perfect, then I think if you knew the whole entire meaning of the mantra, what it’s supposed to be, then you know that very well every single word, then you know Sanskrit extremely well, first you know the meaning of the mantra then you know Sanskrit extremely well, then you can judge, the different texts you can judge which one is correct, which is wrong. Anyway, basically, so depends on faith, the function, how much mantra, the result of mantra, effectiveness, depends on basically by faith.

You know the story, you heard the story that one getsul, the getsul’s mother, the young monk’s mother used to recite mantra OM BALE BALE BUNDANI SOHA, that actual mantra is OM CHALE CHULE CHUNDANI SOHA, the deity Chunda’s mantra, OM CHALE CHULE CHUNDANI SOHA, but the mother recited OM BALE BALE BUNDANI SOHA, she keep on reciting that and then able to cook the stones to eat. I think this is maybe method, famine, when there’s no food then maybe cook stone and to eat. Might be the reason, otherwise, why you need to eat stones?

So then her son, the male monk came and corrected her mantra, and then when she recited OM CHALE CHULE CHUNDANI SOHA, which is the correct one from the text, but then unable to cook the stones. So that’s why faith is the main thing what gives power to the mantra and result from the mantra.

Also, His Holiness Zong Rinpoche explained during Dharma Celebration at Dharamsala, Tushita, about how the mantra works by faith, not so much what you recite but by your faith. So in Tibet there was one lama and one person came, I guess one monk came asking for teachings, and the lama didn’t have time, very busy, so the lama told him, Your nose is like a raksha. Raksha is the big mala the sadhus wear, Indian sadhus wear this very rough one, and it’s a mala for wrathful activities, I think. So this person who came, the monk who came to see the lama must have a big nose and very rough nose, so the lama told him, Your nose is like a raksha. Then that monk thought he actually received a mantra, he believed he actually received a mantra. Then he kept on chanting, he kept on chanting so much, Your nose is like raksha, your nose is like raksha….

So then after some time he became a very famous healer, by chanting that and he was able to heal so many people. Then one day the lama got some infection in here, the lama who told that, so the attendant suggest to the lama, Oh, there’s a very famous healer arrived in the area, should we invite. So the lama said yes, so then that person came and that person chanted back to the lama, Your nose is like raksha. And then the lama burst into laugh, so much. So then his infection opened, the pus came out, healed. It did heal because so much laugh and then the infection burst and then the pus came out. So that person became a very famous healer, so by chanting that “Your nose is like raksha.” So, yeah, like that, how the mantra works. I mean, from the faith, okay?

[Chun Ru: Rinpoche, how did the mother recite the mantra in the wrong way? I didn’t catch that one. The mother, you said the correct one is OM CHALE CHULE CHUNDANI SOHA….]

OM CHALE CHULE CHUNDANI SOHA that’s the correct one but the mother recited OM BALE BULE BUNDANI SOHA. The mantra of Chundani, deity Chundani. I think it’s very, Hong Kong, many places, many people I think they practice Chundani for business.

[Chun Ru: Rinpoche, but I never catch the one the mother recited.]

The mother recited OM BALE BULE BUNDANI SOHA.

The way I read the mantra, the way of cutting is, that’s according to, there’s two or three monks in Sarnath University, who’s expert in Sanskrit. They’re translating now Tibetan texts into Sanskrit, from Tibetan into Sanskrit. So this I checked with the brother of Geshe Jampa Gyatso, who is at Lama Tsongkhapa Institute, so this is, I checked with him the way of reading, so that’s why, it’s according to Sanskrit. And how to, certain letters you have to join together and things like that.

[Rinpoche continues the oral transmission of the long Chenrezig mantra.]

So then finished. So very, unbelievable, very powerful, most holy precious mantra, blessed. Yeah, that’s it. Okay.

So, when we wrap texts, this is also, not just material putting, not like this, different. Here, this is also offering robes, offering divine dress to the deity, so here Dharma texts you are offering, you are making offering, so this also creates, same, creates so much merit. So it’s very good to, use to offer if possible best what you can, the nice, best, I mean, whatever you can, offer, so then create a lot of merit to offer for Dharma texts. So that Tibetan, it seems the text like this, so everything has, I guess also without the cover also maybe difficult to keep, might lose, so it may be better. I think collect a lot of merit by making offering of the, so usually I try to buy good material to offer for the Dharma texts, as, yeah, good as possible. So I have a Kangyur in the house Roger brought from Taiwan a Kangyur and also Nyingmapa also some texts, so those books printed here, I think it’s from Karmapa’s Kangyur. So I offered brocade to all of them, and then Rilbur Rinpoche, Kyabje Rilbur Rinpoche’s the attendant who is the incarnation of Kyabje Rilbur Rinpoche’s his own home teacher, so then he sewed up, he sewed, so made very neat. So it’s very good to offer good quality for Dharma texts.

So then when you wrap, if possible, mind think offering, not just wrapping like this, like for deity offering robe, the divine dress, so then you collect a lot of merit.

So His Holiness Ling Rinpoche, the past life, when he was at Darjeeling, so I was there, I was, kind of many years ago, so much smaller, so Rinpoche, when he finished a prayer book, when he finished a prayer, then he very neat he wrapped, so beautifully, very neat, all this very neat, then put up. So now this, in Sera, during His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching, I was, may seat was with His Holiness Ling Rinpoche’s incarnation. So then he was doing the same thing, the incarnation, when he was wrapping the text, he was doing exactly the same. So you can see the , definitely past life, incarnation, he was doing so neat. He was doing the same thing.

So this is Aryamanjushrisanghiti, but maybe another time, okay.

It’s the Kangyur that Karmapa, past life, before he passed away, advised to print, to make whole Kangyur, print. There’s a lot of things, so many things to do, before he passed away, left a will and then so they made a whole new Kangyur, not the subject new, but the printing. So I think there’s a book in Taiwan from that, made a book, so Roger bought that for the house, present for me, so there’s also some Nyingma texts. So the brocade I saw in Mongolia, when I went the first time Mongolia, in the supermarket, no, department store. There’s one yellow brocade, very nice one. I didn’t get to buy that one somehow. Then next year when I went back it’s still there. That brocade’s still there, nobody bought. Because I think, they usually can’t afford or I’m not sure. So I bought that, offered to the texts.

So you create a lot of merit, offer nice, I mean, best possible, then it’s, yeah, like that.

Jang chhub sem chog….

Due all the three-time merits collected by me, collected by others, may the bodhicitta be generated within one’s own heart, in the heart of all the family members, in the hearts of all the students, all the supporters, benefactors of this organization, and those, also there are so many ?older students and so many who sacrifice their life to the organization doing service to other sentient beings, teaching of the Buddha and so many, those who rely upon me, whom I promised to pray, whose names are given to me, doing service, then all the rest of the sentient beings, bodhicitta to be generated in everyone’s heart without delay even a second.

Due to all the three-time merits collected by me and by others, by generated in the hearts of all the leaders of the world.

Jang chhub sem chog….

Due all the three-time merits collected by me and by others, may the bodhicitta be generated in the hearts of all the Muslims and in the hearts of all those others who has harmful thoughts to harm others, then, bodhicitta to be generated in all their hearts without delay even a second. And those who have generated, may the bodhicitta, in whose hearts generated, may it be increased.

Jang chhub sem chog….

As I mentioned every single opportunity, unbelievable opportunity we have, so fortunate, all this purification, collecting merits, every time able to make closer to enlightenment and then all the benefit what we can offer to sentient beings, every single practice understanding Dharma, all completely due to His Holiness, Compassion Buddha’s kindness. So we pray for His Holiness to have long life, and as well to be able to fulfill also His Holiness’s wishes immediately.

Gang ri ra wäi….

[Rinpoche chants the prayer for the fulfillment of His Holiness’s wishes.]

Then all of the gurus….

Päl dän la mäi ku tshe tän pa dang….

Due to all the three-time merits collected by me and the three-time merits collected by others, that which exist but which is empty, may the I, who exists but who is empty , achieve Compassion Buddha’s enlightenment, which exists but which is empty [long pause] lead all the sentient beings, who exist but who are empty from their own side to that Compassion Buddha’s enlightenment, that which exists but which is empty by myself alone, who exists but who is empty from its own side .

Due to all the three-time merits collected by oneself and the three-time merits, past, present, future merits collected by others, all sentient beings, including the bodhisattvas, and then buddhas, may all the projects in this organization, serving the Sanghas and monasteries and every single project of the Maitreya statue and so forth and all the rest, social service and then every center, their activities, whatever they’re wishing, everything to be succeed immediately by receiving all the needs. And to be most beneficial towards all sentient beings.

Due to all the three-time merits collected by oneself, by others, all the sentient beings, buddhas, then all the organizers in this organization and all the students and all those who sacrifice their life to, so many people who sacrifice their life to the organization doing service to others, teaching of Buddha, and those who rely upon me, whom I promised to pray, whose name is given, may everybody, all of us, have long life, to be healthy and able to, all the wishes to be succeed immediately according to the holy Dharma. And then, most important, able to actualize the complete teaching of Lama Tsongkhapa in this very lifetime, and without delay even a second, and to achieve enlightenment as quick as possible.

So, including Henry, the student in Singapore who has cancer, then here the ex-director of the Taichung center, then all the rest who have disease or life obstacles, so same, to have, so whatever the best for their life, to happen that. So if one doesn’t know what is best then just, if one doesn’t know what to pray then pray for the best to happen for them.

All the sicknesses to immediately get healed and then all the life obstacles to be pacified immediately and have long, have most meaningful life, long life.

I dedicate all the merits the same way the three-time buddhas dedicate their merits. I dedicate all the merits to be able to follow holy extensive bodhisattva Samantabhadra and Manjugosha, bodhisattva deeds, Samantabhadra and Manjugosha and also as they realizes.

I dedicate all the merits the same way the three-time buddhas dedicate their merits.

Next, may the Lama Tsongkhapa teaching be able to flourish forever in this world, spread in all the ten directions and may it flourish forever in this world, by completely actualizing within one’s own heart, in the hearts of one’s own family members, in the hearts of all the students, in the hearts of everybody in this world.

Jam päl pa wö….

Dü sum sheg päi….

Did you do the increasing? Then we do the increasing first. All the merits here to be multiplied, which makes to multiply 100,000 times, that name mantra.

[Group recites the multiplying mantras.]

Then whatever prayer we’ve been doing then to be accomplished, then the Medicine Buddha’s name then the other buddha.

[Rinpoche recites Medicine Buddha’s name-mantra and final multiplying mantra.]

Due to the eminent buddhas, bodhisattvas, due to their blessings and due to my special attitude and the unbetraying dependent arising, may all my pure prayers be succeed immediately.

Chhö kyi gyäl po….

Dag dang zhän gyi….

[Short mandala offering then LZR long-life prayer in Chinese].


I think the dogs also did nyung-nä.