Lamrim Teachings Australia 2006 (Audio and Unedited Transcripts)

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Italian Club, Brisbane, Australia (Archive #1564)

The following are teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Brisbane, Australia in June 2006.

Although the teaching event was titled Eight Verses of Mind Training, Rinpoche did not give commentary on that text. Instead he taught on various lam-rim topics such as stories of Asanga, samsara, guru devotion and emptiness.

Looking for the 'I'; Emptiness of Problems Based on False 'I'

[Tape change]

So, when you can’t find the money in the bank, so you thought you have, you spent all, and then spend this and that, bought this and that, with credit card and then, anyway, not sure of the example, anyway…. Then the bank there’s no money. So in Nalanda, France, Geshe Jampa Tekchok there, who was, who became Sera Je abbot some time ago. So when he was there for many years teaching our Sanghas there, the monks, so sometimes he used to get invited to teach around. So there’s a small, between Italy and France there’s a very small country, very, very small country, I heard they have their own police, everything, king or queen, whatever, very small, I don’t remember the name, very small country, so there’s ocean, then near the ocean there’s a very small country. So there’s one couple, old students, a couple, so anyway, so supposed the help the Nalanda Monastery, I think that’s the plan, that’s the idea, to help the Sanghas there. So Geshe Jampa Tekchok, his translator came to give a teaching there, so Geshe-la’s invited time to time there to give teaching. But then, also I was there one or two times.

So anyway, so then they gave a check, some, I don’t know how much, some quite bit amount of money, I don’t remember now. So offered to Geshe-la and Geshe-la kept, he went back to Nalanda, I think that’s money for the Nalanda. So then when the Nalanda monks checked in the bank, there was no money in the bank. So anyway, so as I was talking this I remembered that, that story. So anyway there was no money in the bank.

So anyway, so when you look for, can’t find then it’s, that means it doesn’t exist.

So, when somebody criticizes you, your mistakes, or provoke you, or blamed you, you didn’t do that mistake, but somebody blamed you, then it hurts you so much and get so angry, thinking how to, get so angry then insult back, then thinking how to revenge back. So anyway, so again hurting me, harming me, but harming me, I, here, which is in a particular location, here, not in the head, not in the belly, it’s somewhere in the chest, to this I. This I here. So hurt me, I, this inside the chest, which is inside this body. So, get so angry, that time not so much space in the mind, then can’t meditate, no space for meditation, even though, even you’re expert in meditation, even you’re expert explaining meditation, so like, I’m not saying I’m expert but, I mean, do explain some meditation so not expert, so…. But can’t remember, meditation become very far. Meditation become like Tibet, like Africa or some, very far meditation, Dharma is very far, like the moon, sun, very far. Way, Dharma’s not there with you, Dharma’s not ?in the mind. So anyway, Dharma’s not even in the house.

Anyway, so, yeah, so get so angry, so that time then if there’s knife or something, if there’s some weapon, when you’re angry then just a minute to, that person, that most terrible in the world, the object, most, the worst in the world, so wishing to, that person doesn’t exist, wishing to destroy, right away. So anyway, to not exist. So anyway, like that. But however, so even, or desire, strong desire. Then killing many people, then it involves, because desire, then kill, even kill other people that you are jealous and angry to other people who takes away your object of desire or whom you’re attached to or anyone who uses that object of your desire, however, so anyone harms your desire. So then involve killing other people, many people, then you create a huge story in the life, so many people, more and more people get involved, exactly like you see in the TV, the movie, all those, so many people got involved in the problem. Maybe originally started with one person’s desire, but…. So killing then stealing, many things involved. Then it gets bigger, even the civil war, so could start even that in the country, in the city or in the village or town, even in the country then even the other countries, so ?once it gets bigger. So anyway, so first, the very first started by one person’s desire.

So however, the whole thing’s believing, for this I, which is not there. The whole thing is about this I, who’s here in this body, but who’s not there, totally nonexistent there, but creating all this, like the spider’s web, like a spider makes a website, the spider , spider makes this, makes a huge web, spider’s website , so huge, to catch all these flies and, for his own living. So anyway, so like that, same. So the whole point is, there’s no such I there. Create so much harm to others, create all this story, all this unbelievable problem to so many people, but it’s not there. So that get angry so much, then revenge, so even a million people get killed, even a million people this I don’t like, this I here don’t like, then all the million people get killed, tortured, but this I’s not there. If you analyze you can’t find; it’s not there. So here in this particular location believing that there’s I, so that’s extremely gross one.

So our life, so here now as I gave those, as I mentioned before the shopping, gave the example, like that, the department store and all those, there are billions of things but the reality is, their reality is emptiness, they are empty of how they appear to you and believed by your mind, ignorance. All these are empty, _______ not there. So including the I, there’s no such thing, empty, then all the phenomena. In reality the hell, enlightenment, it doesn’t mean there’s no enlightenment, so hell, enlightenment, the samsara, nirvana, the happiness, problems day-to-day life, those _____ ______.

So all these phenomena, how many phenomena there is but it’s, reality is just one thing, emptiness. Emptiness. Emptiness. In emptiness there’s no such thing as this and that, there’s no such thing as this and that. There’s no sentient being, in emptiness there’s no sentient being. There’s no problem, in emptiness there’s no problem, there’s no happiness, no virtue, no nonvirtue, in emptiness. In emptiness there’s nothing. And in emptiness there’s not even the emptiness itself. In emptiness there’s nothing, there’s no emptiness. [pause] So that is the reality.

So, you can see, so here you can see the movie of our life. So here, without talking the objects, all the false view, false form, false sound, false taste, tangible object, false smell, false tangible object, the whole, what the Heart Sutra says, no, no, no, all these, where the no word goes on, so, not the form itself but the false form, which doesn’t exist. Not the merely labeled form but the form appeared and believed a real form in the sense not merely labeled by mind, so that one, existing from its own side.

So, that form, so all this, so everything’s, all the objects of that. [pause] So without talking all these rest, numberless those phenomena, that which are false, the way it appeared and believed, which is totally, completely false, hallucination, so without talking all that, just the, everything that is done to this I, which is inside, particular location in the body, in the chest, somewhere in the body, the chest, above the belly and down below the neck. Now here, so everything’s done for this I, which is not there. So this helps, if one can meditate, can think this, it helps, it becomes medicine for depression, who have so much sadness, depression, so to meditate on this and particularly thinking I am this and that or, I’m ugly or I’m this and that or, I’ve lost my friend or I’ve lost, however, whatever, so but everything believing, relationship problems, all those many years of hurt, that doesn’t go away, that got a grudge you have in the heart, so being so hurt, relationship problem, somebody left, the friend left you, whom one has so much expectation then desire for, then left, left me, so forth. So all these things, then you hold a grudge, not the car garage. Different garage than car. In your mind there’s incredible pain for so many years and you cry when you think of that each time.

So however, but this mind is formless, the mind is formless, no color, no shapes, yeah, formless, no color, no shapes, it’s not substantial. No substantial, But appeared and believed, but one believed a real mind, not merely labeled by mind, existing from its own side.

So however, so all this because believing that there’s I here, inside this body, here inside the chest, believing. All this is because of that, believing it’s there, that there’s I there. But the reality is there’s no such thing there. Totally empty there. There’s nothing there. So that one, this I that we have been believing day and night, from this morning, from birth, from beginningless past lives, this real I, in the sense existing from its own side, so this one never came in existence even for one second. That never became reality, not even for one second. Never came in existence even for one second. Never existed from beginningless rebirth. Never existed, never came into existence. Not even for one second, never came into existence.

And [long pause], so therefore, there’s nothing to hold a grudge. Yeah, there’s nothing to hold a grudge; it’s all hallucination. It’s like you woke up, it’s like in the dream somebody, so in the dream one had a relationship problem, in the dream. Then the person left you, gave up you or left you, that went with somebody else, in the dream. Then when you woke up, it’s not true. So in the dream really believed, really believed and suffered so much, unbelievable, suffered so much, depression and yeah, so anyway when you woke up you realize those are not true. So like that, so in reality, like that. As the things, the way have appeared to our hallucinated mind and as we believed, by ignorance, so all this, like that.

So, yeah, so here we have empty break. Empty break, okay. Okay.

[short mandala]

Please have break.

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