Surgery for Growth on Stomach

Surgery for Growth on Stomach

Date Posted:
May 2011

A student had a large growth on the outside of his stomach. There was bleeding into the stomach and the doctors wanted to remove the growth. They said without an operation, the growth would eventually start to push into the stomach and food intake would be restricted and ultimately impossible. Rinpoche gave the following advice.

I checked and advise the following. It is good to have the operation but first the following pujas need to be done:

  • Liberate 1,000 animals
  • Chi-lu puja
  • Pacifying fire puja
  • The Long-life Sutra needs to be read 60 times. Do self-initiation five times, once or twice a day at least, and do this as soon as possible.

Once the pujas are done, then it is good to have the operation.