Straightening Out Problems

Straightening Out Problems

Date Posted:
October 2005

A couple were experiencing numerous problems in their domestic life and in their finances and asked Rinpoche for advice.

My very dear ones,
I checked to see what you could do to help your financial situation. These practices came out very good for you to do:

1. Recite the Diamond Cutter Sutra 30 times.

2. Make 1,000 copies of the Diamond Cutter Sutra. You can print the version that has Tibetan, English and Chinese on the same page, as this way you are printing more sutras. Print 1,000 full copies (even though it has the text three times per page). If you can’t find this version, then just print the English or Tibetan version.

This is a most precious text, where Buddha showed ultimate truth. This is the way Buddha liberates sentient beings, by revealing the truth—not by washing away our negative karma with water, or by taking them from our body with his hand, and not by transferring realizations.

3. Print five copies of the Arya Sanghata Sutra.

4. Recite the Arya Sanghata Sutra 300 times. When you recite the text, you will understand how much merit you collect by printing this sutra. It can bring miracles.

After you have printed these texts, keep them respectfully in a high, clean place. You can also give copies to people. If you keep some in your house, you can make offerings and prostrations to them, and in this way collect incredible merit.

If you have many copies, when a stupa or large statue is built, these extra texts can go inside them. It has to be the complete text, with no missing pages.

It would also be good for you to perform the practice Celestial Mansion Extremely Secret Sublime Success. Recite four malas of the mantra a day. [Find links to this mantra in the FPMT Catalogue.]

Please put effort into these things. You are both so fortunate even to see these texts, the Arya Sanghata Sutra and Diamond Cutter Sutra. There is incredible benefit to having them in your house. According to the texts, if you even have one copy of them in your house, your house becomes a holy object, and all the devas of the three times come there and protect your house. This is what you should do to make your life easier.

With much love and prayers...