Precious Pills

Precious Pills

Date of Advice:
September 2014
Date Posted:
July 2016

A student's son was going to have a bone marrow transplant. Rinpoche advised that he should try Tibetan medicines instead. The student later wrote that her son had been taking the precious pills and was recovering well without the procedure.

  • Ratna-samphel: four each week. Take one every second day.
  • Rinchen manjor:  once a week for nine weeks.
  • Khorchung: one a week for two weeks, and then see how it goes.

Regarding the medicine above, do not take two different ones at the same time. You can take one in the evening and one in the morning.

A few months later, the student sent this follow-up letter: 

We followed Rinpoche's advice and my son didn't have the bone marrow transplant. He is taking precious pills Rinpoche sent. Next week he will take the last one. Yesterday we met his doctor and she told us that he is recovering. She says they don't know why, but I know it is Rinpoche's blessing. Words are not enough to express how grateful we are to Rinpoche and how relieved we are.