Practices for Healing

Practices for Healing

Date of Advice:
September 2016
Date Posted:
July 2018

This letter was sent to an ordained person with health issues. Rinpoche’s advice included circumambulation of Swayambunath Mountain and recitation of the long Chenrezig mantra and praise.

My most dear one,
What came out is that it is very good for you to see Khadro-la. It is very important to get treatment from Khadro-la, for her to help you.

Also, what came out best is for you to go around Swayambunath Mountain. You can recite texts while going around. While circumambulating you can recite Thirty-five Buddhas, Vajrasattva and other texts you want to recite by heart.

If you can, recite the longest Chenrezig mantra from the Mani Kabum, a text by Songtsem Gampo, the Dharma king of Tibet. Make strong prayers to Chenrezig to purify negative karma from beginningless rebirths, particularly this disease, so nectar beams emit from Chenrezig. While you recite the mantra make strong prayers.

You can recite just a few a day, twice a day, however, if you want to you can recite more. This seems most important. [Visualize] a shower of nectar beams being sent from Chenrezig to you—loving kindness, compassion, bodhicitta—to you and to all sentient beings.

At the end, recite the Praise to Chenrezig by Gelongma Palmo, from the nyung nä text. (After doing prostrations there is this short praise, and you kneel down and recite it.) Do that afterwards, then make prayers to heal, and dedicate [the merits] with bodhicitta and seal with the three circles of emptiness.