Negative Mind

Negative Mind

Date of Advice:
December 2013
Date Posted:
November 2013

A student wrote to Rinpoche about her negative, critical mind, which had become worse after attending lamrim teachings and a retreat. She found Dharma practice difficult, because her mind was restless and there was no inner feeling for the words she read. She felt distant from the Dharma and Rinpoche, and was worried about losing contact, trust and faith. Rinpoche advised the following.

Lama Zopa Rinpoche at the beach, Adelaide, Australia, 1983. Photo by Wendy Finster.

My dear Abby,
You should go to the beach quite often and walk on the sand at the side of the ocean or walk beside a river. Just relax and enjoy. The beach will help to distract your mind and help you not to think of your problems. Enjoy the sunshine, the water and all that. It will make you more relaxed. I will pray for you.

With much love and prayer...