Moment of Death

Moment of Death

Date Posted:
November 2009

Rinpoche sent the following message to a student who had held the hand of another student while he was dying. The student had told his friend that everything would be alright and to think about the pure land. Rinpoche was impressed at how well the student had done at this important time.

What you said was very helpful. I think this was excellent, what you did. Also, it actually fits with who you and your friend are. You are both ex-hippy, useful guys. Wow – what the ex-hippy, useful guy did at the end of his friend’s life! I think it was very good.

Now you should do this all over your country, with those who are dying, including the animals around the center.

You should put your hand on the animals’ feet, when they are dying, and sing your song: “Let go, let go, let go, let go, let go.” Maybe they don’t understand about the pure land, but you can tell them they just need to think about coming back to the center, that is the pure land, to come back to the center and to study and meditate there. This is their pure land.

Now, your hand is so precious, so you need to protect it, put a glove on it, and keep the glove on at all times. When you pass away your hand should be gold-leafed and kept on the altar at the center. This would be the first holy hand in your country, maybe the first holy hand in the world!

So I, Zopa, applaud you with huge clapping hands (not with your hand) and with feet clapping also, for you and also for your friend.