The lineage of the teachings was handed down to the Kadampas by Atisha, an Indian pandit who revived Buddhism in Tibet.
Commentary on the teachings of Atisha and the Kadampa geshes, the exemplary practitioners of Buddhism in Tibet.
Teachings given at Root Institute, Days 5 - 7; includes a commentary on Atisha's Jewel Garland
Teachings at Root Institute, Days 1 - 4; includes an oral transmission and commentary on Atisha's Jewel Garland
A commentary given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche on an essential mind training text composed by Kadampa Geshe Langri Tangpa.
A commentary on Atisha's text, given to Western monks and nuns in Boudhanath, Nepal, in 1975. The teaching is translated by Lama Zopa Rinpoche and edited by Nicholas Ribush.