Commentary on the Vajrayogini Tantra: PDF Only

Lama Thubten Yeshe

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Access to this publication is restricted to those with Highest Yoga Tantra initiation in Heruka / Chakrasamvara or Vajrayogini. See the Initiates Only section of the store for more information on our restricted materials, which are available for students who have received an empowerment allowing them to engage in a specific tantric practice.

Lama Yeshe gave this commentary on Vajrayogini practice at Chenrezig Institute, Australia, in September 1979.  This is a lightly edited transcript, available as a PDF file for those with the appropriate initiation.

Read three introductory discourses from this publication online. In these three discourses, Lama addressed the topics of renunciation, bodhicitta and emptiness, the preliminary meditations needed for practicing tantric yoga.