Vows After Rinpoche Manifested a Stroke

Vows After Rinpoche Manifested a Stroke

Date of Advice:
April 2011
Date Posted:
July 2016

A student sent this letter to Rinpoche a few days after he had manifested a stroke in April 2011 and was still in hospital. Rinpoche asked that the letter be published so others can rejoice.

I was hesitating whether I should let Rinpoche know about this. I was worried because I read somewhere that some dakinis will ask holy beings to leave their students to go to the pure land instead.

So I did a mo in front of Guru Twenty-one Taras tsa-tsa, which was blessed by Rinpoche during this year’s Chinese New Year blessing. My mo was tossing a coin for Guru Tara to decide. Guru Tara said yes, I should let Rinpoche know.

On Monday 25 April, I went to the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, Chinatown, Singapore, and made two vows in the presence of Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s relics. I remembered that Shakyamuni Buddha said seeing the relics is the same as seeing the Buddha himself. I requested all the buddhas, bodhisattvas and Dharma protectors from all the ten directions and three times to witness this.

Vow Number One:

I will take eight Mahayana precepts for the rest for my life until the day I die, so that I can accumulate a lot of merit continuously and purify whatever mistakes I have done since beginningless time, for Rinpoche to recover completely in the shortest possible time, for Rinpoche to live a long healthy, stable life and for all his holy wishes to be swiftly fulfilled. I will dedicate the merits continuously for all sentient beings, so that the Guru-Buddha will continue to stay and guide all of us.

Vow Number Two:

After I complete this human rebirth, I vow to reborn:

  • in the hottest hell for numberless eons
  • in the hell of continual resurrection where I will be reborn and die billions and trillions of times each day
  • in the coldest hell for numberless eons
  • as the worst hungry ghost for numberless eons
  • as animals and insects for numberless eons
  • even when I am born as a human, I will have the most suffering, so to be born deaf, blind, dumb, disabled, a beggar, a prostitute, mentally ill, always sick, cancer all over the body, etc, for numberless eons.

This is so that whatever negative karma of students—including myself—and any manifestations of obstacles and lack of merit of sentient beings will all continuously ripen on me instead, and will not manifest on Rinpoche ever again.

I vow that I will continue to be reborn in the suffering states until all sentient beings are liberated and enlightened by Rinpoche. Only then will I be liberated and enlightened by Rinpoche. I also dedicate the remaining lifespan of my human life to Rinpoche.

Rinpoche, please don’t manifest any more obstacles ever again. May Rinpoche’s blood pressure and blood sugar levels be normal and stay at the healthy level forever. May Rinpoche completely recover quickly (nyur wa nyur war). May Rinpoche live a long, healthy, stable life and may all his holy wishes be swiftly accomplished. May all FPMT projects be very successful according to Rinpoche’s wishes, and may Rinpoche remain and teach us until samsara ends.

Rinpoche, please manifest your enlightened power to heal yourself.

Thank you.