Thanks for Practices

Thanks for Practices

Date Posted:
December 2012

A center advised they had a sutra-thon for the New Year, where students recited the Heart Sutra, the Diamond Cutter Sutra and various other sutras. They dedicated for a multitude of things, especially the health and long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

My very dear one,
Thank you ten times for so kindly offering this. It is a pity I am so useless, but I do try to benefit some ants and did this in the Washington retreat place during the snow time. Also, I try to help the cockroaches. Maybe next life those creatures will come back with rucksacks to a Kopan course. Also maybe they will go to Lawudo, and then eventually get enlightened. He he he, ha ha ha, ho ho ho!

Anyway, I really appreciate all your efforts!

With love and prayers...