Teach Lamrim With Bodhicitta

Teach Lamrim With Bodhicitta

Date of Advice:
January 2017
Date Posted:
October 2017

A student wrote asking whether to teach or do practices. Rinpoche checked and advised the following.

Teaching comes out a little bit better. Teach mainly lamrim, that’s the main thing, and with all the teachings do it with bodhicitta. Emphasize bodhicitta, which should be the main thing to be achieved in this life. Teach and live your life with bodhicitta as much as possible, so everything is done with bodhicitta motivation.

It comes out most beneficial for you to teach. Even for the very new people the emphasis should be on the good heart, helping others, not only human beings—sometimes it seems as if we are always talking about human beings—but even the animals, the insects. For example, not stepping over ants, not fishing, so to stop giving harm to sentient beings.

Then they will have a long life and naturally you will have a long life and success, and all your wishes will succeed, not only in this life, but for many tens of thousands of millions of future lives. So the result goes like this. Your wishes will succeed if you benefit others, therefore you should benefit others as much as you can.