Thanks for Your Service to the Guru

Thanks for Your Service to the Guru

Date Posted:
August 2009

Rinpoche sent a handwritten card to two attendants of one of his gurus, who they had served for many years.

Dear ones,
Lots of greetings and Tashi Delek.

I appreciate and am thankful to both of you for how you have served Rinpoche. You have served him fully for a long time, with body, speech, and mind, not like someone who pretends to have great faith and then after a while loses one's faith, but with deep faith for him. That really impressed me.

You both are very intelligent, sharp-minded, and very warm-hearted people, which impresses many people and me. According to some local students, many people have admired your behavior, in which I really rejoice, and thank you. Actually, this good behavior is an example of how to serve the Dharma and His Holiness Dalai Lama.

You two are very brave. Even in Iraq, those soldiers who defeat enemies are called Victorious, but according to the Dharma they have accumulated so many negative karmas and lost their victory. You two are totally the opposite and I really appreciate and thank you for your attitude and good behavior.

With much love and prayers ...