Lamrim Teachings Australia 2006 (Audio and Unedited Transcripts)

By Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Italian Club, Brisbane, Australia (Archive #1564)

The following are teachings given by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in Brisbane, Australia in June 2006.

Although the teaching event was titled Eight Verses of Mind Training, Rinpoche did not give commentary on that text. Instead he taught on various lam-rim topics such as stories of Asanga, samsara, guru devotion and emptiness.

Importance of Lamrim Meditation; Problems are Temporary; Extensive Offering Practice

So now going to, so Guru Shakyamuni Buddha, so before that, mention this, so the creator of the problems in day-to-day life, including depression, loneliness, however, the moment-to-moment our unhappiness, the creator is one’s own mind. Then day-to-day life unhappiness, all the problems, and so the whole entire the oceans of suffering of the human beings, all the problems that one experiences from life to life, the creator is one’s own mind. The same, oceans of sufferings of deva realms, hell beings, animals, all the same, the creator is one’s own mind.

So therefore, meditation, therefore, we need to change our mind. It becomes the most important urgency, a billion times much more important than emergency hospital, the change of our attitude from the mistaken thought, the unhealthy mind or the nonvirtuous thought, which produces the sufferings, which harms to oneself and which harms other living beings, which produces all the problems, now and in the future, to oneself and to other sentient beings, so to transform that, mind to transform from that into virtuous thought, healthy mind, the pure mind that, especially the good heart, the loving compassionate thought, the thought benefiting other sentient beings, cherishing other sentient beings, so from where you achieve, from where happiness, peace of mind, satisfaction, fulfillment, in every moment. In every moment you have peace and happiness, every day, the whole life, and especially at the time of death. Such an incredible, no guilty, no fear, no worry, great happiness, joy, so then even greater happiness in the future, as life goes, so then goes to liberation, enlightenment.

So therefore, here, so what is the technique, what is the method to transform the mind into the virtuous thought, healthy mind, especially the good heart? So that is the meditation practice, Dharma. That transformation, that is the best meditation. That transformation of mind, that’s the best meditation. And one does the meditation every day, many hours one does the meditation, but doing for twenty, thirty years, every day many hours of doing meditation, but somebody a little bit praise then too much excited and somebody gives a little bit of criticism, just a little bit, then so much anger, mind is so unhappy, disturbed, so that person still their mind, after twenty, thirty years, have done meditation, mind is like this, mind or your life is like this, so that is a sign that not having done really meditation, didn’t really practice Dharma. All those meditations didn’t become really Dharma, didn’t become real Dharma, didn’t become real meditation, meditation in the sense of virtue, Dharma, didn’t become. So this is a sign, it shows. If the mind is like this, so easy to get disturbed, and still selfish mind, didn’t become less, so then that means something wrong, even though you have been believing you have been meditating for many years, then something wrong, there’s a mistake in that practice, so in the attitude of that meditation, that’s mistaken. So all this, a sign that all this did not become Dharma, real meditation, subduing the mind, taming the mind, didn’t become that meditation, the real meditation, taking care of the mind. Real meditation, taking care of the mind. Real Dharma, taking care of the mind, protecting the mind, didn’t become that. So that’s why there’s nothing, there’s no progression, nothing, mind never changed, still the same or worse.

So anyway, so therefore here, it becomes so essential the practice of Dharma, meditation, so on the basis of guru devotion, on the basis of that, then renunciation, bodhichitta, then there’s right view, so transforming the mind from those ?evil thoughts which produce all the problems, to oneself, to others, and then into healthy mind, the virtuous thought, mind which is Dharma, especially bodhichitta, which produce all the happiness up to enlightenment for oneself, towards all sentient beings. So therefore, need meditation on lamrim, not just spending the whole life doing just one breathing meditation or watching walking, paying attention that I’m walking or movement of the belly when you breathe, so something like that. It might help during that time, strong anger, thinking of something else then strong anger rises, strong attachment rises, it might help that by just watching the breath or watching, I’m walking, my belly’s moving back and forth and things like that, but you reach nowhere. So, we need, the meditation what we’re going to practice, we need something that which leads to liberation. So with the renunciation, then you’re able to achieve liberation. Whatever you do becomes cause to achieve liberation. With bodhichitta it leads you to enlightenment, whatever you do becomes cause of enlightenment and cause of happiness of all sentient beings. With the right view, mind living in the mindfulness of the right view, emptiness, dependent arising, then it becomes antidote, whatever you do becomes antidote to samsara, to the delusions, so it becomes cause to achieve liberation, the antidote to delusion, cause of suffering, delusion and karma, so then that’s how able to achieve, it eliminates the root of samsara, then that’s how you’re able to achieve liberation. Then with that, with bodhichitta, you’re able to achieve enlightenment.

So then on the basis of this then there’s tantric path. So we need, meditation what you’re going to practice, Dharma what you’re going to practice, meditation what you’re going to practice, it has to be, it should be something that leads to liberation, to enlightenment. So there’s, where there’s a complete path, so definitely you reach the enlightenment. By following this way, step by step, correctly practicing, then as explained by Buddha, by Lama Tsongkhapa and other, from the four traditions the great, those enlightened beings, who have shown the path. So now, so should be like that, not, so one should develop one’s own mind step by step, like this, then you can achieve enlightenment, you can achieve liberation, can achieve enlightenment definitely. Because our mind has all the potentials, all the potential buddha nature, so that’s what gives all the hope in our life. No matter how much suffering we experience now, however, how much huge problems we have, whatever, that’s just all temporary, all just temporary, that’s just for the time being. Even these delusions is temporary. It’s called ?lob ____ _____ chenma, in Tibetan, in texts, the delusions, the defilements are called ?lob ____ _____ chenma, means temporary stain.

So it means, because of buddha nature, buddha nature is there, so you can overcome. By actualizing the path you can cease, because of buddha nature we can actualize the path, realization comes from within and due to guru, having met guru and then giving teaching, giving light, at nighttime then somebody guide you in the road, give light to you, like that, or the gong, the stick beat the gong, then you can put, by meeting the condition, the stick, then gong can produce sound. So similar by having met the guru then able to develop the buddha nature, then all the realizations come from within. So therefore, all the defilements are called temporary so it means they all get ceased, and then achieve liberation, enlightenment. So therefore, all the hopes that we have in the life, so therefore life is not hopeless, no matter how much problem one has, one can, there’s an end for that, one can cease that. One can end that, one can cease that, what I’m saying! Two things. It’s temporary and also by ceasing the cause, by ceasing the delusion and karma, then you’re free from all the problems forever. So by that reason also temporary. Two reasons, one is the problems whatever you have, it’s not the same, it’s not forever, every life the same problem, not like that. So even in this life not necessary that until death you have this problem, so temporary. And then the other temporary is that by ceasing the delusions and karma then you never experience the problem again, so therefore, it’s temporary. So should courage oneself, then this can help to overcome depression.

So maybe I stop there and we just do quickly, because, oh, sorry, all the lights are gone. Before it was so beautiful so I was going to make offering, able to collect extensive merits. Maybe the people who offered them they may have done the offering, so we just do quickly. There’s still water and the flowers so whatever lights left.

Tham chä du ni…nä gyur chig.

Now blessing the offerings, blessing these offerings here, blessing the offerings that which is in all the FPMT center gompas, all the offerings, and blessing the house where I live in America, the Aptos house, all the flowers, lights, the water offerings and light offerings there, then Washington, the Amitabha Pure Land retreat, the retreat place there, there are many hundreds of water offerings, there’s many thousands of light offerings and flowers and food offerings, so bless all these and we offer, everybody, every one we offer, then before we go back we collect so many times limitless skies of merit, we go back with all these merits, good karma, good luck, numberless cause of enlightenment, liberation from samsara, happiness of future lives, and no question about success of this life.

Lha dang mi yi…khyab gyur chig, then Offering Cloud Mantra (2x).

Then, not only I’m blessing but everybody who knows by heart this mantra so if you recite then you get the benefit. If you recite you get the benefit. Whereas if I recite it you don’t get the benefit. If I eat cake, if I eat hot apple pie and cream on top, then if you, also if you don’t eat, then you don’t get the benefit. You don’t get to enjoy, so same. So you have to eat, so like that. One person eating breakfast, lunch, dinner while the rest of the people don’t eat, that doesn’t help. That doesn’t stop the hunger of the other people.

Offering Cloud Mantra (3x), then The Power of Truth.

So here all the offerings are in nature of great bliss, okay, and all the offerings in the FPMT centers are in nature of great bliss, and Aptos house, all the offerings, and Washington, all the offerings, flowers, water, many hundreds of water bowls, many thousands of light offerings, also in nature of great bliss.

Now we give all these offerings charity, okay, to all the hell beings, all the hungry ghosts, all the animals, all the human beings, all the sura beings, all the asura beings, all the intermediate state beings. They all receive. Now we offer on their behalf. So everybody collects merit this way, every hell being, hungry ghost, animal, human being, those people who are dying today, who already died, one’s own family members, friends, or somebody who is sick of cancer or AIDS, so everybody gets merit, so we’re doing puja for everybody. So we offer on their behalf, even offering on all their behalf, that includes one family, friend, even the enemy, person who hates you, whom you hate, also gets the merit, by doing the offering on behalf of everybody.

So first we put the palms together, first we offer all the offerings here, all the extensive offerings at all the FPMT center gompas, which is nature of great bliss, in the Aptos house, Washington, all those, where I live, those offerings in the nature of great bliss, offer to the, so numberless buddhas, bodhisattvas, they received, who are manifestations of His Holiness, of the guru, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

By the power of mantra, they receive skies, from each offering multiplied they receive skies of offerings. Generated bliss. Prostrate with two palms together towards all of them.

Now all the offerings here, great bliss, all the offerings in the FPMT center gompas and Aptos house, Washington, all those offerings there, all those houses, retreat place, and the Aptos house, California, all those offerings, we offer to the Guru Puja merit field, those who are familiar. If you’re not familiar then think either Tara or Chenrezig or something, and think that is all the guru, all the buddha, all the Dharma, all the Sangha, all the ten-direction statues, stupas, scriptures, everything, then you offer. If you’re familiar, then Guru Puja merit field, there’s all the gurus there, and then every merit field is all the guru, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, all the ten-direction holy objects. So you offer, generate bliss within them. [pause]

Now next prostate towards all the ten-direction Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, all are manifestations of the guru, His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Now offer all these offerings here, nature of great bliss, all the offerings in the FPMT center gompas, nature of great bliss, all the offerings at Aptos house, Washington retreat place, all the offerings there which are nature of great bliss, offer to them, manifestations of the guru, His Holiness the Dalai Lama. [pause]

Now offer, now prostrate towards all the ten-direction statues, stupas, scriptures, Buddha’s relics that which is in the world, all Buddha’s relics and prayer wheels, mani wheels and all the various holy objects. Manifestations of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Prostrate with the two palms together towards all of them. Now offer all the offerings here, nature of great bliss, all the offerings at the FPMT center gompas, all the offerings at the Aptos house, Washington retreat place, every single light, every single water offering there, hundreds of water bowl offerings, all the flower and food offerings, tea offerings there, nature of great bliss, offer towards all of them. [pause]

Now next one, offer to seven Medicine Buddhas, bodhisattva Ksitigarbha, Thousand-arm Chenrezig. Medicine Buddhas for success, bodhisattva Ksitigarbha very powerful for success, if you make offering, after you make the offering if you make request, very powerful for success whatever wishes you have, then Thousand-arm Chenrezig to generate great compassion, to liberate sentient beings as quick as possible from the oceans of samsaric suffering and to take the responsibility upon oneself to bring them to enlightenment. Think they are manifestations of the guru, His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

So now we rejoice, having made charity to all sentient beings, we collected numberless merits. By each offering having made charity to all sentient beings, with each offering we collected numberless merits. With each offering we collected numberless merits, can you imagine? Because one offering we made charity to all sentient beings, okay. Then having made offering to numberless buddhas, bodhisattvas, again we collected two times numberless merits and numberless causes of enlightenment, liberation from samsara, happiness of future lives, all this, by thinking of the guru we collected that many times most extensive merit. Then Guru Puja merit field, thinking that’s all the guru, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, all the ten-direction holy objects, six times numberless merits we collected, that numberless causes of enlightenment, liberation, all the happiness. Then, by thinking of the guru, that many most extensive merit. Then ten-direction numberless Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, by thinking the guru, then we collected three times numberless merits, the most extensive. Then statues, stupas, scriptures, numberless, and then all those holy objects, and then again we collected three times numberless causes of enlightenment, liberation, happiness of future lives, all that. So by having made offering to Medicine Buddha again we collected same merit as having made offering to all the buddhas. Then offering to Chenrezig then having made offering to many billions of buddhas.

Yeah, then, we give all our merits, all the past, present, future, all the merits, all the result happiness, liberation, enlightenment, everything, we give everything, everything we give, we offer others, all sentient beings. Numberless hell beings we offer. Your body, even your body, so extend, your body, all the wealth, possessions, everything, offer to every hell being. [pause]

Every hungry ghost, every animal, every human being, every sura being, every asura being, every intermediate stage being. So all these transform into pure land for them, for the hell beings, for everyone in hell, pure land, which has all beauties, purest enjoyment, everything, and also transformed, it caused them realization of the complete path to enlightenment, all this then became realizations in them, complete path to enlightenment, method and wisdom, in the hearts of all the hell beings, as well as all other rest, hungry ghosts, animals, human beings, suras, asuras, intermediate state beings. Ceased all their, liberated them from all the suffering and, all the defilements and every hell being become enlightened in the deity, so Tara, Chenrezig, whichever one think, whichever normally you are praying to. All the hungry ghosts become enlightened in the deity. Every animal become enlightened in the deity. Every human being become enlightened in the deity. Every sura, asura, become enlightened in the deity. Every intermediate state being become enlightened in the deity.

So by this again we collected so many times numberless merits, again. So now, we dedicate. Due to all these merits, whatever suffering sentient beings have, may it be ripened on me. Whatever happiness, merit, I have, may it be ripened towards all sentient beings. Dedicate like this. This is lojong, the thought transformation, dedication.

So now we dedicate the merits, all these merits we dedicate to actualize bodhichitta, the ultimate good heart, within one’s heart, in the hearts of one’s own family, in the hearts of all the students, supporters in this organization, those who give up their life to the organization, doing service to sentient beings, teaching of Buddha, to all those students, to all those who give up their life to the organization, doing service to others, so here who are doing, even just in Australia there’s so many, all those who sacrificing their life, who are working for the organization, doing service to others, then even here, the centers here, the same. Generate bodhichitta and generate bodhichitta in the hearts of all sentient beings, particularly the leaders of this world and particularly in the terrorists, the people who has harmful thoughts to harm others, in all their hearts without delay even a second. And who has generated, to be increased.

Jang chub sem chog….

So all the opportunities that we have, myself and yourself, every Dharma that we have learned, every virtue we have collected is from His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Buddha of Compassion. Then the next one is Lama Yeshe, who is the founder of this organization, and even who hasn’t met Lama Yeshe but through his kindness many of us able to meet Dharma, able to learn Dharma from the center, coming to the center, from the resident teacher, so receiving the kindness of Lama Yeshe, even those whom haven’t met but still receiving the kindness. So all his holy wishes to be actualized and Lama Ösel Rinpoche to be able to benefit sentient beings like Lama Tsongkhapa.

Gang ri ra wai….

Due to all the three-time merits collected by me and the three-time merits collected by others, that which exist but is empty, may the I who exists but who is empty achieve Guru Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment, or the Chenrezig’s enlightenment, Chenrezig’s enlightenment, same, Chenrezig’s enlightenment, that which exists but which is empty, lead all the sentient beings, who exist but who are empty, to that Chenrezig’s enlightenment, which exists but which is empty, by myself alone, who exists but who is empty.

So in emptiness there’s no such thing as this and that, in emptiness.

Jam päl pa wö….

Dü sum sheg pai….

As the three-time buddhas dedicate their merits I dedicate all my merits in the same way.

The general teaching, particularly Lama Tsongkhapa’s teaching, may it be spread in all the directions, may it flourish forever in this world by completely actualizing within one’s own heart, in the hearts of all the family members, in the hearts of all the organizers, then the organization, in the hearts of all the students and the supporters, and those who give up their life to the organization doing service to others, in the hearts of everybody, everyone in this world.

Chhö kyi gyäl po….

Dag dang zhän gyi….

Now multiplying our merits 100,000 times.

[Rinpoche recites multiplying mantras.]

Then, whatever prayer we do to succeed, to be able to succeed, then we recite Medicine Buddha’s name and this other particular name of the Buddha that brings all the success.

[Rinpoche recites mantras.]

Due to the eminent buddhas, bodhisattvas, due to the blessings of the eminent buddhas and bodhisattvas, due to my special attitude and dependent arising, may all my pure prayers be succeed immediately.

[Rinpoche recites in Tibetan.]

So, good night. Thank you very much. Thank you. And have a very good sleep too.