Quotes by Lama Yeshe

Quotes by Lama Yeshe

Date Posted:
November 2009

The following are quotes by Lama Yeshe.

It would be wonderful if you could recognize that your own attachment is the cause of every single problem that you experience. Problems with your husband, wife, children, society, authorities, everybody; having a bad reputation; your friends not liking you; people talking badly about you; hating your teacher, your lama, or your priest; all this truly comes from your own attachment. You can really check up…

We Westerners always have to blame something external when things go wrong, "I'm not happy, so I'd better change this." We're always trying to change the world around us instead of recognizing that it's our own attachment that we have to change. 
   — Lama Yeshe
   From Every Problem on Earth Comes From Attachment 


My approach is to expose your ego so that you can see it for what it is. Therefore, I try to provoke your ego. There’s nothing diplomatic about this tactic. We’ve been diplomatic for countless lives, always trying to avoid confrontation, never meeting our problems face to face. That’s not my style. I like to meet problems head on, and that’s what I want you to do, too.
   — Lama Yeshe
   From Questions and Answers in Ego, Attachment and Liberation


You must recognize that your real enemy, the thief who steals your happiness, is the inner thief, the one inside your mind, the one you have cherished since beginningless time. Therefore, make the strong determination to throw him out and to never let him back in.
   — Lama Yeshe
   From Developing Equilibrium