Continue Helping the Center

Continue Helping the Center

Date of Advice:
October 2016
Date Posted:
January 2017

A student asked if there was something more that they could do, other than helping the center. Rinpoche gave this advice.

Most dear, most precious, most kind, most wish-fulfilling one,
I understand your prayer. If you do this [prayer] also to Medicine Buddha and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Chenrezig and Tara and so forth, that is very good.

At the moment, I don’t have anything in particular to tell you. Just continue helping the center as you have been doing. That is very good. If something new comes, I will let you know.

With much love and prayer...

PS. Please tell the director and staff, thanks for looking after you as an ordained Sangha person. That happens due to understanding the Buddha’s teachings.